Odd Eye Syndrome
A genetic as well as a developmental disease that can sometimes occur in Hoomans. It most commonly begins to appear in young children but Hoomans can show developments of it later in life. Hoomans with the syndrome usually find it more difficult to see and have issues with spatial awareness.Prognosis
The condition isn't fatal unless a Hooman has an accident from their lack of spatial awareness.Affected Groups
Younglins are the most likely to develop it. There are certain genes that Hoomans carry that can cause the development of Odd Eye Syndrome, however, it can also be caused by a mutation in a newborn Hooman.Treatment
There is no treatment, older Hoomans with the disease usually stay quiet about it.Cultural Reception
Odd Eye Syndrome isn't commonly seen since Hoomans generally stay covered up, however, older Hoomans who have developed it in their later years have difficulties with making long-term relationships. Younglins who develop it whilst in the facilities don't usually make it out of the facilities.Controversy
On Nasgovia there became a controversy after it was uncovered that there were younglins being terminated in the Childcare Facilities due to having Odd Eye Syndrome.The Head of the Health + Social Care Sector, Mazei was adamant that it was a neccesary mercy to prevent the afflicted hoomans from living a ostracized life and to help remove imperfections from the hooman gene pool. From this, a law in 107 AC was put in place to ban this sort of practice as it was deemed a horrific act to younglins that have already been born. Despite this, hoomans who are afflicted by Odd Eye Syndrome still face discrimination from others in society.