
Site Alpha Gateway
Discovered at Site Alpha, after a fair amount of exhaustive research they figured that the dais they had discovered was some form of magical teleporter. Due to the teleporters scale and unknown nature, the researchers dubbed it the Gateway. The lead Researcher of the team, Jane Somerset, postulated that the Gateway was a portal to another world. She based this theory of the facts that it had activated during the Chaos Wave, when species unknown to Earth had been randomly portal-ed there. Second that it, like the ruins vastly pre-dated any known human civilization. Finally that because the ruins like the gateway were of the same construction and architecture and magical nature that given magic hadn't been around on Earth that the civilization who built this site must have come from elsewhere.

Terminus Gateway
Terminus Gateway was the location the first explorers to Horizon discovered. An identical dais and magical setup in the same construction and style as discovered at Site Alpha on Earth. This Gateway like Site Alphas was still able to be activated at least for the first four years of use. After four years the Gateway collapsed whilst in operation and after that was never able to be utilized again.

Precursor Gateways
During the first four years of the exploration of Horizon, a couple of additional Gateway locations were discovered. These sites differed in construction technique and magical construction from the Site Alpha and Terminus Gateways. These Gateway sites matched other ruins that were associated to a Precursor Civilization. The Gateways built by the Precursor's seem to be more complex and from a magical standpoint significantly more stable if the construction, magic and activation could be understood beyond rudimentary understanding of what they are.

So far none of the Precursor Gateways have been activated, they still house magical energy and appear to be functional to a degree but nobody has figured out how to activate them other than that something appears to be missing.