Precursor Civilization

Scattered across and beneath the surface of Horizon are ruins of a relatively advanced civilization. Observations at these sites and genetic testing of remnants and materials found indicate that multiple species were resident in these cities. Currently Researchers have limited data to report on this civilization.

Aging tests of materials obtained from initial precursor site surveys indicate these ruins to be older than any known Terran ruins on Earth with the exception of Site Alpha where the Terran Gateway to Horizon was located. It is estimated that these sites were last active over 20,000 years standard Terran years ago.

Construction techniques used to build these settlements and sites appear to be a combination of advanced processes similar to some of those utilized by Terrans as well as what appears to be highly advanced magical techniques. None of the observed Horizon species and factions have these techniques although genetic testing of materials found at precursor sites indicate that species on Horizon inhabited these sites prior to abandoment.

Precursor sites do have language samples which do differ from the samples found at Site Alpha on Earth. The snippets of language samples are still a locked mystery as yet no common language thread has been ascertained.
Pictographic images found in some ruins hint at wide scale warfare towards the end of the precursor civilization. Researchers have stipulated that the details are not enough to produce any conclusions currently.

At several sites on Horizon, structural damage consistent with war have been found that support some form of war occurring at the end of the precursor civilization. However, many other sites simply seem to have been abandoned with the resultant natural weather and decay damage occurring. At this point no formative conclusions can be drawn as to the reason for the disappearance of the precursor civilization.

The remains as well as the techniques used in construction indicate that the precursor civilization was extremely capable with Magic. Being able to create intricate and complex constructions not to mention that on Horizon multiple gateway sites like Site Alpha and Terminus Station have been discovered. Interestingly the Horizon Gateway sites appear to be more refined than the Gateway found at Site Alpha on Earth.
Although Horizon's Gateways that have been discovered have all been inactive with no discernible way to reactivate them. It is evident that the precursor civilization had the capability and likely inhabited multiple planets.

Addendum 1: At Site Zadria-008, Inspection of damaged areas reveal that destructive magic on a scale and capability never seen by Humans was utilized. The closest comparison to the destructive forces based on remains would be akin to a fuel air bomb or small scale nuclear explosion. Radiation testing indicates that only natural radioactive materials and decay found on site.

The following species were confirmed resident at Precursor sites on the continent of Zadria:
  • Bastet
  • Dwarfs
  • Elves
  • Unknown 1 - Several Unique genetic samples found from one species.
  • Unknown 2 - Multiple genetic material samples found at sites where damage due to warfare identified.
Addendum 2: We discovered a site on Tearstone Island buried deep in the Forest. This site was missed by aerial observation. Site Zadria-015 once mapped is the largest single size location we have discovered so far. This site had genetic samples matching Humans, the first observable discovery of Humans having been on Horizon before Triton discovered the gateway.

Addendum 3: Zadria-015 is giving us more questions than answers. The site is as old as the last activity of the Precursor Civilization, in addition the site appears to have been constructed both by the Precursor Civilization and Ancient Humans. The differences in construction techniques is noticeable, although the Ancient Humans techniques appear to use advanced engineering and apparently magic. However the fact that the site seems to be predominantly Human constructed and built as a fortress adds to the questions. What happened to the Precursors? What happened to the humans? How did we go from being this advanced 20,000 years ago?

Archived Report Update
Horizon Year 2
Chief Research Scientist
Jane Somerset