Florist Shop Building / Landmark in Horizon's Hook | World Anvil
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Florist Shop

The Florist Shop is where Thalassa Thomas-Collins works.

Purpose / Function

The shop, run primarily by Thalassa, sells flowers, pots, other plants, and other gardening goods. Nueven uses flowers and such throughout its town decoration, so Thalassa's job is well appreciated despite the small space. There is also a small apartment above the shop with Thalassa's room, a bathroom, and a small kitchen.


Outside of the shop, many flowers and bouquets are displayed by the window, with many signs and posters from around the town. The front door leads to the main shop area. More plants, typically low-lights, are put on tables and shelves within the store. Some pots serve as containers for tools and bags of dirt, while others are stacked for selling around the rim of the room. Thalassa is often at her desk, which has a cash register and an area for making bouquets. Several aprons line the back wall and dried flowers and herbs hang from the ceiling.
Shop, Generic

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