Thalassa Thomas-Collins Character in Horizon's Hook | World Anvil
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Thalassa Thomas-Collins

Thalassa is a character in Map of the Woods. She is the mother of Makara and Enkii Endith with Gana Endith as well as Neme and Oscar Thomas with her husband, Okeanos Collins. Her title is The Botanist, and her equivalent is unknown.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thalassa is rather tall and athletic, with good muscle definition and rough hands. Her hair is very long and curly, and she ties it back while she's working, much like her son Neme.

Mental characteristics


Primarily, Thalassa works at the Florist Shop. It is a small business but she takes it very seriously. Nueven places great value on plant life, both in environment and decoration, so Thalassa's efforts are greatly appreciated. She also takes smaller jobs on occasion, such as delivery or overseeing the post office.


Family Ties

Her equivalent left her to live elsewhere following Thalassa's affair with Gana Endith, but otherwise Thalassa tries to be very involved with her family. She visits the Nueven Foster Home when she's not busy to talk to Makara, Enkii, and Oscar, and the other kids at the home grow close to her as well.    Though not for a while, Thalassa becomes one of the first people to learn about Neme's 'secret base'. Concerned for his well-being, she invites Neme to stay over whenever he would like, which Neme reluctantly agrees to.
Current Location
In her mid 40s.
Current Residence
She lives at her Florist Shop but often visits the Foster Home.
Aligned Organization

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