

In Horizon, the realm of mystic wonders and ethereal realms, there exists a force that transcends the boundaries of the mundane—a force known as Lumi. Yet, in this world of enigmatic enchantment, the origin of this arcane power lies not solely within the whims of chance, but within the intricacies of a remarkable and mysterious phenomenon.   Deep within the beings that inhabit this realm, resides a special organ—a conduit that bridges the ethereal and the corporeal, harmonizing the very essence of Lumi with the tangible existence of its wielder. Like a celestial channel, this remarkable organ draws upon the threads of magical energy that course through the world, transforming it into a tangible substance known as Tonalli.   This extraordinary process imbues each being with the ability to harness a distinct strain of Lumi, rendering them masters of a unique domain within the arcane arts. From the flickering flames of elemental sorcery to the ethereal whispers of enchantments, the nature of this organ shapes the weave of magical possibilities, granting individuals their own exclusive tapestry of abilities.  


Lumi is invisible to the naked eye, but just like light and it's rainbows, by passing through a prism or by watching it through different kind of crystals you can see it. As hair in the wind Lumi looks like millions of small strings flowing and floating in the air. However depending on the star under which you stand, the behaviour of those strings can change, becoming more chaotic and heratic and more or less dense. The color however, never changes. Lumi seems to come from two main sources: The stars and the crystals.





  In this world, the primary source of Lumi originates from gigantic four-dimensional crystals hovering high above the ground. These crystals, unlike ordinary stars, have shapes that seem impossible for the human brain to comprehend. Their cycle of day and night is unique to each stars, causing them to glow brightly during the day and gradually fade during the night.   Some of these stars consistently shine, while others remain dark. The cycles can be short, lasting only a few moments, or stretch over weeks or even years, adding a mesmerizing rhythm to the cosmic spectacle. Additionally, some stars emit white light, while others exude monochromatic hues.   During the night, the stars reduce or stop emitting Lumi, making the night skies a realm of enchanting darkness. Getting closer to the floating crystals is impossible, as a field of powerful negative gravity surrounds it, and so, even at night.   The second source of Lumi are crystals. These crystals come alive during the day, absorbing the radiant energy that permeates the surroundings. As night descends, these crystals become luminous beacons, gently releasing the stored Lumi in a captivating display.   Almost every type of crystal partakes in this wondrous cycle, each with its unique way of absorbing and releasing Lumi. Some crystals exude a brilliant effusion of it, while others release it in subtle glimmers. The quantity of Lumi they emit and the duration of their luminosity can vary greatly, adding a mesmerizing diversity to the nocturnal spectacle.


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