
Lumi Suns

Lumi Suns are essentials to the world of Horizon, bringer of lumi, light and heat they are the reason of the existence of every beings in this world. From a height of 500km to 10000km they float above ground, bathing the world of their unreal prescence. Made from a indiscrabale material above human comprehension, they cannot be approched as a field of negative gravity protect them. The world of Horizon being infinite, an infinite amount of stars different from one another scatter this world. From color of the light to Lumi or gravity itself the stars like to differ from their siblings.  

Area of effect

One of the thing to consider when talking about the lumi's Suns is their area of effect. Indeed the entirety of Horizon is covered by suns so if you keep walking in the same direction you may find yourself at the end of the area of effect of the sun you're currently under, and walk into a "red zone" where multiple suns share an area of effects. Those zones are very dangerous and should only be crossed if you are prepared and well trained. They are under the influence to two to more suns, are usually very dense in Lumi and as each sun try to impose it's own gravity it can be really tricky to cross as you could go from a earth like gravity to a crushing gravity in the span of few meters. There is no clear limit to those "red zone" but the nature of the environnement as well as your senses should give you a good idea of where it start and end. When crossing from a star to another it is heavily encouraged to find a spot where the "red zone" is very thin or weak. Some red zone allow for a sweat transition between two gravity or lumi density while others will feel like a wall to cross. Some tools such as Star map and star power meter and star compass are really usefull in those cases.  


The first thing that you're likely to notice while crossing to a different star is the change in gravity. Not a lot of stars have been mesured as they are far apart but so far gravity goes from no gravity to a skull crushing 70m/s2. Unless you run into a red zone of 3+ suns the transition should be rather smooth. Despite the spherical shape of the area of effect, the gravity field is linear from top to bottom and does not come directly from the stars, this might be due to their 4 dimensional nature. Gravity in this world is strongly linked to Lumi and sun's very dense in Lumi are more likely to have a big gravity. Some crystals and powers allows for a direct manipulation of the gravity, proving it's magical properties in this world. Another important thing regarding gravity are the "dead-zones", which don't have a gravity field.  

Dead Zones

Dead Zones are areas where there is seemingly no gravity, no Lumi and a monochromatic grey light, this can happen in spot that are not under the influence of a sun. Those zones are very hostile and home to some of the most dangerous creature found in this world. The No gravity aspect of the zone make it even more dangerous as navigating it can be proven difficult and if without way to propulse yourself you might as well jump toyour death into infinity, unless you get caught in the gravity field of a star further up in the air. Since there is no Lumi it is advised to carry some extra "Lumi battery" before crossing


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