
The Psycat(Felis Psukhikos) is magical species from the Hidden Crystal Forest. Usually known for their psychic abilities making them able to fly and throw objects they are a mostly friendly creature unless you get too close to their crystals.

Basic Information


Body Shape and Size: The Psycat has a slug-like body that measures approximately 1 meter in length. Its body is cylindrical and covered in smooth, iridescent purple skin, which provides protection and seems to takes it's color from magic itself.   Head and Facial Features: At the front of the Psycat's body, it possesses a distinctive cat-like face. This face lacks a mouth and a nose, giving it an unusual appearance. Instead, it relies on other sensory mechanisms to interact with its environment. However, it does have three eyes, which are in the form of beautifully shaped crystals. These eyes grant the Psycat exceptional vision and allow it to perceive the world in a unique way.   Limbs and Appendages: The Psycat is equipped with two small arms that emerge from the sides of its body, near the front. These arms are slender and flexible, allowing the creature to manipulate objects and interact with its surroundings to some extent. While the Psycat's primary means of interacting with it's surrounding is by using its psychic powers, these arms provide it with additional dexterity.   Internal Anatomy: The internal anatomy of the Psycat is still largely a mystery, as it has not been extensively studied. However, it is known that the creature possesses a simple digestive system, despite the lack of a visible mouth. It likely feeds on crystal, absorbing crystal magic through its skin or using other unconventional means.

Genetics and Reproduction

The psycho cat male and female will choose a crystal among their collection and through a magical ritual will imbue an embryo into it. For 2 weeks the embryo will grow inside the crystal before breaking through with it's powers.

Growth Rate & Stages

Having a lifespan so long it's difficult to measure, the Psycat seems however to age, over the years it will grow in length. If most psycat are about 1 meter in length, some of them seems to be able to reach up to three meters long. Above that length the psycat transform into a PsyKing, glowing now into a different color.

Ecology and Habitats

The Psycats mostly live in dense forests at places were there is a high amount of magic crystals. They can however live anywhere as long as there is crystal. When in an environement without crystals the Psycat becomes very stressed and always ends up dying.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Psycat seems to feed from the magic of the crystal. They are very protective of their crystal and will attack if their crystal is touched


The Psycat always live in a small group of up to 10 individuals. If one of the Psycat is a Psyking, every one of them will follow him and it's orders. The psycat is a very gentle and calm creature and is easy to socialize with, at the one condition of not touching it's cystal. Each Psycat owns arounds 5 crystals that they keep next to each others (about 10 meters). Psycat are most often friendly but thanks to their cleverness likes to play prank on each others and on creatures near them by using their psychic powers.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Features The Psycat's most notable feature is its three crystal-shaped eyes. These eyes are not only visually striking but also serve specific purposes. Each eye is believed to possess different spectral sensitivities, allowing the Psycat to see a broader range of colors and potentially perceive aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum that are invisible to other creatures. This exceptional visual capability helps the Psycat navigate its surroundings and spot potential threats or prey.   Magical Abilities In addition to its distinctive physical features, the Psycat possesses remarkable magical abilities rooted in psychic powers. One of its most notable capabilities is the power of flight. By harnessing its psychic energy, the Psycat can levitate and maneuver through the air with grace and agility, defying gravity and gliding effortlessly.   Moreover, the Psycat's psychic prowess extends to telekinesis, allowing it to manipulate objects within a radius of 20 meters. With focused concentration, the Psycat can move items, both large and small, with precision and control. This ability grants the creature a practical advantage, enabling it to interact with its environment and overcome obstacles in unconventional ways.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Felis Psukhikos
Geographic Distribution
Threat Level: Low
Caution /!\
Despite being friendly it is strongly advised to touch it's crystals!
Doing so could result in harm or death.


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