The Sleeping Giant Building / Landmark in Hott Rolls | World Anvil
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The Sleeping Giant

For some years The Sleeping Giant was run by a dwarf named Grysta. As the inn began to fall into disarray and lose its patrons Grysta started working with the Redbrands. Storing their goods and housing some of their members in exchange for payments, which just about kept the inn running.   But it wasn't enough, eventually Grysta had to sell the inn to Harbin Wester, the townmaster of Phandalin. The deal being that she would rent the inn from him.   When Harbin Wester was kidnapped and held hostage by Redbrands in the hidden temple beneath the inn the party tracked him and found him there. safety     After a day or two the inn reopened, now under the management of the party. The young servant girl Chilni survived the ordeal and is now running the bar.
  • Previously run by Grysta
  • An ancient temple devoted to Cyric, the god of lies, lies beneath the inn
  • The inn seems to be enchanted or cursed in someway
  • Ghost's have been sighted on the premises
  • A magical disappearing reappearing door leads into random rooms in the inn
  • Room 2 appears to be inaccessible by normal means
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Current guests of importance  

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