Phandalin Settlement in Hott Rolls | World Anvil
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The town has been taken by Halia Thornton and the Thornton Guard patrol the streets day and night.   Halia's inn and casino is now open for business. Where Lord Dagult Neverember's emissary Remington Dumantal is staying with his three associates. A male, bald and tattooed spellcaster, a male tall and dark haired soldier and a female monk.   Dumantal's royal guard's, that number in the dozens, raid houses looking to confiscate unlicensed magic items and prosecute unlicensed spellcasters that do not adhere to the new laws enforced by Lord Neverember.   Construction of a gallows has been completed in place of the Stonehill Inn.


Recently taken over by Halia Thornton, it is unclear how the town will be run.   Previously Phandalin had no functioning government, but the townsfolk annually elected a "townsmaster". Harbin had served as the townmaster for a year or so, a judge and mediator, and also kept the records that needed to be kept.


The town has no walls and no garrison, but most of the adults keep weapons within easy reach in case the need for arms should arise. Now the town is patrolled the Thornton Guard, though for whose protection is not entirely clear.

Industry & Trade

A frontier settlement of farmers and prospectors looking for wealth in the Sword Mountains. Two stores selling provisions and two one inn. Phandalin’s residents are quiet, hard-working folk who came from distant cities to eke out a life amid the harsh wilderness. They are farmers, stonecutters, blacksmiths, traders, prospectors, and children.


Phandalin is a mainly human village located northeast of Leilon, where the road that runs from the High Road to Triboar fades into a trail. It was raided by orcs in 951 DR and subsequently abandoned. It was eventually resettled, however, and Phandalin has become a frontier settlement of farmers and prospectors looking for wealth in the Sword Mountains. A group of bandits known as the Redbrands, or the Redbrand Ruffians settled in Phandalin, and made their lair under Tresendar Manor.   Phandalin was originally a farming community. However, when the orcs of the realm of Uruth Ukrypt had destroyed all game in their realm, they went in search of food and turned on the human settlements in the area, raiding them. Phandalin was one of these settlements, and in 951 DR, it was overrun and then abandoned.


Nestled in the rocky foothills of the snow-capped sword mountains is the mining town of Phandalin, which consists of forty or fifty simple log buildings. crumbling stone ruins surround the newer houses and shops, showing how this must have been a much larger town in centuries past.


  • Phandalin

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