Hott rolls So, Where Were we?
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So, Where Were we?



The party save the prisoners and leave Tuphuzenu's arena, returning to Thundertree.

With the party safely home and well rested they resume their investigation of Thundertree. They met an elderly human druid who told them he did know the way to both Gragmaw Castle and Wave Echo cave. He provided the party with the location of Gragmaw Castle, but would only lead the to Wave Echo cave and provided no directions. And only if the party would chase off the dragon that had recently settled in Thundertree. The party decided to go take care of this extremely easy task and come back later. They came across some nasty giant spiders and cut them to bits. Looted a corpse. Slept as far away from the corpse as possible and went and killed some twig blights the next morning.   They discovered the ruin of an herbalist's shop and found the gold necklace that Mirna, the mother they'd saved from Tresendar Manor, told them they could have as a reward for saving them. The necklace was a family heirloom of Mirna's family.   They discovered a group of shifty cultist's hiding in one of the intact buildings. The cultist's were lead by a chap named Favric, who was trying to make an allegiance with the dragon. He offered the party a place in their group but the party declined and went to meet the dragon on their own. Because it's just a dragon after all.   On their way, Fungus burnt an historical statue to the ground.   Well the dragon was big and scary, so the party ended up tricking the cultists into offering themselves as sacrifices. From what the party could hear, they all died.   The party were able to steal all of the dragon's treasure and escape just in the nick of time. Part of this treasure was a magic axe that dealt extra damage to trees, called Hew which made Faldor feel uneasy as he held it near the forest.   At the edge of the forest they heard the dragon roar from its tower on returning to its missing treasure.

Related Location
Ruins of Thundertree
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