Hott rolls The Legend of The Hottraulers Timeline
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The Legend of The Hottraulers

  • 1491 DR

    13 /6

    Goblin Arrows

    The Hottraulers embark on a job for Gundren Rockseeker.

  • 1491 DR

    14 /6


    With Gundren missing and Sildar wounded The Hottraullers make their way to the town of Phandalin where Sildar later searches for his friend Iarno Albrek.

    More reading
    Glasstaff / Iarno Albrek
  • 1491 DR

    16 /6 9:00

    Tresendar Dungeon

    While investigating Gundren's disappearance The Hottrauler's find that there's more trouble in town.

    More reading
    Glasstaff / Iarno Albrek
  • 1491 DR

    16 /6 17:00
    1491 DR

    19 /6

    The Triboar Trail

    The Hottrauler's finish off the remaining Redbrands and head out onto The Triboar Trail.

  • 1491 DR

    19 /6

    We're Not in Thundertree Any More...
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    By magic The Hottraulers are transported to an arena in an unknown desert land.

  • 1491 DR

    20 /6

    Tuphuzenu's Dungeon
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After escaping once the party are captured once again...

  • 1491 DR

    20 /6

    Time to go
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The party narrowly escaped a trapped ceiling that almost crushed them.  Found a large room with floor to ceiling shelves of tiny stone models of humanoid shape. A female lizardfolk Magic user of some kind was being forced to solve the curse of Tuphuzenu's staff. The party discovered that Farziver's family, and the lizard woman's family, were changed into the form of these sculptures, held hostage by Tuphuzenu so that they would do his bidding.  Not that the party cared, Weeon smashed a few of the lizard woman's family, killed her pets and took Farziver's family sculptures.  On the way out they found Sakul the Dragonborn, Urithana the half elf and Gary from sales in another dungeon.  They called Farziver and they all left together to free the other prisoners and free themselves.  When Farziver opened the door however, they were greeted by Tuphuzenu himself and a group of his gnolls, lizardfolk, giant lizards and Quelek the aarakocra.

  • 1491 DR

    21 /6

    So, Where Were we?

    The party save the prisoners and leave Tuphuzenu's arena, returning to Thundertree.

  • 1491 DR

    21 /6

    An Awkward Goodbye
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The party are thrown into battle against Tuphuzenu and his minions. Farziver fights at their side. The kill the super tough aaracokra Quelek and defeat Tuphuzenu. Gary manages to stab the evil wizard, mage, sorcerer?... with his pen, and Sakul touches him with the staff. Tuphuzenu begins to implode. Unfortunately, Sakul and Gary are imploding too. Gary is rescued but Sakul sucked inside the portal along with Tuphuzenu. The party rounded up all the prisoners and sent them home to their various worlds. Including Gary who still thinks it was all a dream. The party left the blistering sun of the desert arena, the crowds beginning to tear the place apart, and arrived back Thundertree safely.

  • 1491 DR

    22 /6

    Sildar's Soldier's - Fallen Off the Wagon

    Hired by Sildar to help find Gundren Rockseeker, mercenaries discover a wagon, fallen off the road and in a ditch. On inspecting the scene the party were attacked by undead soldiers, rising from the mud. Glasstaff is gone and a so called Snake Witch might know where he is. The party tracked goblins to the Cragmaw Hideout and kidnapped / rescued a goblin king named Thrippet.

  • 1491 DR

    22 /6

    A Dragon Problem
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The party lead a young green dragon back to town, threatening the lives of all that live there, unless provided with treasures in seven days.

    More reading
  • 1491 DR

    23 /6

    Sildar's Soldier's - Spiders, Mercenaries and Undead Orcs

    The party fight giant spiders and stumble across more undead, this time orcs and an ogre. After their victory over the dead they discover a long hidden treasure.

  • 1491 DR

    23 /6

    The Hangover
  • 1491 DR

    24 /6

    Sildar's Soldiers - The Snake Witch's House

    Sildar's mercenaries find the Snake Witch's house. Inside the mercenaries lose the goblin king Thrippet, experience traps, hallucinations and horrifying creatures, and find the corpses of captives that have died in unusual ways.

    Vyrith's Manor
  • 1491 DR

    25 /6

    Dragon Barrow

    The party go in search of Lady Alagondar's grave to find the dragon slayer sword, said to be buried with her. They were met by willo the whisps and an invisible enemy guarding the sword. The met a friendly skeleton horse, buried in the mound along with Alagondar and her soldiers.