Hott rolls Sildar's Soldier's - Spiders, Mercenaries and Undead Orcs
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Sildar's Soldier's - Spiders, Mercenaries and Undead Orcs



The party fight giant spiders and stumble across more undead, this time orcs and an ogre. After their victory over the dead they discover a long hidden treasure.

Sildar's Soldier's joined their new, seemingly friendly, mercenaries at the folly and helped to sooth the elven woman Bren. Her leg now gone Bren fell unconscious near the warmth of the fire.   As the party wondered what to do next Nahrus spotted something out in the darkness of the night. Giant wolf spiders. A whole bunch of them, coming right for the folly.   Sildar's Soldier's decided to fight alongside the mercenaries and together they managed to kill the spiders without anyone suffering damage.   The two parties took a long rest, Calanthe taking first watch, as she was not sure if she could trust these folk just yet.   The next morning they parted ways, the mercenaries heading north. and Sildar's Soldiers venturing west into the Neverwinter Wood in search of Klarg and the so called Snake Witch.   As they made their way through the dark woods they came across a large shrine in a clearing, almost a small church, the grounds littered with corpses new and old.   After searching the many corpses the party found the body of recently deceased young man. On him a note written by his grandfather, told him of treasure at the shrine, and also showed the party where they might find the home of the Snake Witch.   Again the dead rose, this time orcs and a ten foot ogre. The mindless undead fought the party, knocking Barreus and Calanthe unconscious, nearly killing them both. Eventually the party defeated the undead and after searching the grounds Barreus came accross an alter that, once touched by Barreus, gave a vision of where the white dragon was hiding. Barreus also found a small chest under the alter, containing 57 gp and an unusual key.   Furthermore the party continued to search the shrine and found a solid gold, 3 foot wide, 50 pound bell made of gold.

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