Hott rolls Goblin Arrows
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Goblin Arrows



The Hottraulers embark on a job for Gundren Rockseeker.

Fungus Grimwart a forest gnome, Weeon a lightfoot halfling and Faldor a human were escorting a wagon for Gundren Rockseeker, to the town of Phandalin. Gundren had gone ahead with his friend Sildar Hallwinter. The three escorts found two horses full of arrows and were ambushed by goblins. In a short fight the party killed the goblins all but one. They also found a map case empty and convinced the frightened goblin called Thrippet to show them the way to its hideout.   After some time they befriended the goblin Thrippet and he lead them to the Cragmaw hideout, warning them of traps etc. They manage to find a short cut into the Cragmaw Hideout and ambush the leader of the gang, a bugbear called Klarg. But Klarg escaped. The gang though rescued the nearly dead Sildar and killed another goblin that wanted to be in charge. Faldor gave Thrippet expensive clothing which convinced the remaining goblins that he was now in charge. The party also found several stolen crates with the image of a blue lion on the side. So the party left Thrippet in charge and carried on to Phandalin with Sildar a little worse for wear. The party arrived in Phandalin and Sildar left them to go rest.   The party had many drinks in the Stonehill Tavern and slept well that night.

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