Hott rolls Tuphuzenu's Dungeon
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Tuphuzenu's Dungeon

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


After escaping once the party are captured once again...

The party awoke to find themselves hung from their ankles in a cold dripping cell. Weapons and clothing gone. The staff, gone. After escaping the cell they were confronted by the gnome that took them there. He told them he meant no harm and that if they could help him he’d help them in return. They spared him and he explained that he was not evil. His name was Farziver. For years Tuphuzenu had his family held hostage and commanded him to use the staff to bring more combatants to the arena so that he could grow stronger and stay alive. Farziver searched day and night whenever he could but never found his family. Tuphuzenu openly mocked him for it, knowing that he would never find them.   After searching different realms and worlds, Farziver began to think that his family were hidden right under his nose, there in the dungeons beneath the arena. But Farziver was now watched closely by Tuphuzenu who was suspicious and angry at the recent events.   The party agreed to find his family, and in return Farziver would release them and send them home. They set off into the dungeon, retrieving their clothing and weapons from a group of Lizardfolk that did perfectly accurate impressions of the individual party members, especially Faldor.   They avoided traps, fell into those same traps, summoned a giant weasel named Warren, defeated a nest of giant spiders, looted corpses, urinated on the corpse of a victim with the urine created before the victim was killed, and defeated a Lizardfolk Shaman before he could say Magic Missile.

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