Hott rolls The Hangover
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The Hangover


Weeon, awoke on the floor of Grysta's old room. In the bed were six sleeping prostitutes. Although Weeon was fully clothed and unsticky.   Fungus awoke behind a stack of hay bales in Kagra’s stable’s. On the other side of the stack, Kagra was interrogating her stable boy Higrel, about why all the horses were wearing makeup and the oxen had bonnets.   Yorben awoke lay naked behind the Shrine of Luck. Sister Garaele found Yorben and was horrified to also find that someone has defecated in the offering dish. Yorben explained to Garaele that it was in fact an offering. She asked him to clean it up.   Faldor awoke in the woods a few miles from town, at the centre of a perfect circle of trees, naked save for the freshly flayed skin of a lamb.   Faldor dreamt of strange things and awoke in a strange place.   The rest of the party rode out of town and found Faldor at Adabra Gwynn's windmill atop Umbridge Hill. Safe and sound but a little worse for wear. They bought three potions of healing, one for free, and headed back into town.

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