Hott rolls Sildar's Soldiers - The Snake Witch's House
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Sildar's Soldiers - The Snake Witch's House



Sildar's mercenaries find the Snake Witch's house. Inside the mercenaries lose the goblin king Thrippet, experience traps, hallucinations and horrifying creatures, and find the corpses of captives that have died in unusual ways.

Soon after entering the manor Thrippet disappears. A trap is triggered and four portcullis' separate the party. While working to regroup the party members each experience hallucinations that relate to their pasts. Though one creature appeared to be real, or at least seen by more than one. A hunched creature draped in rotten rags with the face of a horrified child. The creature attempted age Calanthe by seizing her hand. Though Calanthe was able to break free, her hand and forearm were aged twenty years at the very least.   In the gardens the party found that the back of the manor was covered in what appeared to be giant wasp nests. The party then found caged corpses wherein giant insects had nested. Two such insects burst from the corpses and poisoned Clatterbones with their sting.   At the far end of the gardens a trail lead to a small jetty where no boat was moored. When the party explored the waters nearby they were attacked by a giant octopus, which retreated after several of its tentacles were severed.   The party headed back into the garden and settled down for a long rest.

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