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pronounce as tree   The world of Htrae is a old one. It has seen many species live and die throughout the ages. After the event, know as The Firestorm, life returned to the planet once more. With this rebirth the mysterious power of Lux came to the world. This power enabled many species to quickly evolve and become sapient. Now the land is filled with species all kinds of origins. Many wonder who came before them, none will ever be like them, but this does not stop some from trying.   In the middle of the world lies the Garden. A land with rich fertility and a strong Lux presence. This is the home of The Luxum a species born from the ground. To the South East are the islands of the
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octopus species
. To the West lay deserts and steppes which do not seem to end, which are inhabited by the
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insectoid species
. To the South West is the Island of which dense jungle and wide rivers is home to the home of the
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Lizard people
.   These species all have there own beliefs and cultures, which they preserve as the most advanced one of their time. But one was greater and more advanced then them all for what they made is still presence, but they are not. Be it with awe or distaste, wonder or dread, obsession or hate. They all look to those who came before them. Who will stand and be the next ruler of the Htrae and surpass these rulers of the skies
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known as humans

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