Avery Bains

Avery Bains

Personality Characteristics


I want to keep up with the others and not be a burden to them. I WANT to be less scared... and useful.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Dr. Pepper Space Shows Time Travel Shows Video Games (kinda) Building things
  • Ogren screaming into the void Freaky bird things StarGates

Personality Quirks

Will clean mercilessly if he has nothing else to do, or if he feels like he's being thought badly of.



Just your average Dr. Pepper loving Widder kid.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
2010 (The truest of Millenials!)
Overrated, apparently.
White with brown streaks in it.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light with brown patches.

Day...3-6? 7?

Got some paper from somewhere and a pen in my pocket. I borrowed my phone back from Jo so I could write down the first entries I made in it. This is gonna be all jumbled because so much has happened since day 1 and I'm just writing now.   Seeing all the writing in this place (I saw some books written in, like, Sary and Koovale) makes me feel like my writing sucks. Everything's in cursive and I haven't used that in like, two years. I'm going to try to write in it. You know. To assimilate into the cultures.   And that's what we gotta do now. I know think there's a way back. Jo doesn't think so either, and... I'm weirdly ok with that. I feel better. My head is clearer. Once I let all the "societal worries and expectations" go, (thank you for your therapy, Rebecca!) all that was left was a clearer head, ready for all the terror! Don't get me wrong, I like a good scary story, but who wants to LIVE in one?! The changes are... cool? Interesting? Tho.   So I turned into a rabbit person. Koovale. They apparently speak French, and I apparently got a new language because I can understand that now too. (It would have been funny is Jessica had changed into a Koovale. Just saying). We all changed.  
  • Carter changed into an "Ohgren" (Some kinda... muscly guy that has a temper and get HUGE over time.) He's really quiet, but nice, too.
  • Jess became a "Faynoes" (Deer girl, antlers and all, eats leaves and no meat.) She seems to really be leaning into it.
  • Jo is a "Kith" (Finally something easy to spell! She's like a demon girl with hair that moves and glows and apparently is really good at dying.)
  • - There's a bird that talks to her, too, and that's the slasher. I think its name is Lagarto? It killed stuff before it started talking to her and called my phone. Weird.
  • Scotty (not Steve) is a Koovale like me. He says he was in the Peace Corps, but he knows LOTS of stuff on how to set explosives and hunt.
  • ------------------------------------------   We've been staying in these cottages with magic lights while we change. They have food (no meat tho), and beds. The first one was nice, and we stayed there while we puked and changed and were haunted by slashers and witches. We met a Faynoes man who gave us some treats and took off. I turned into a boy-girl. Dunno how I feel about that.   The second cabin was the most scary. There was a yelling Ohgren who seemed to be having a meltdown. We hid in the bunk room while it screamed, and while Carter tried to stop from going crazy too. Seems like a moon thing. Apparently Ohgren go crazy in the moonlight, which is really sad. I like Carter, I wish he didn't have to deal with that.   Soon we're going to be moving on to the next town. Well, to A town.   ------------------------------------------   I don't know how to feel about this boy/girl thing. We're talking a lot about it lately. I mean, Jess and I are. I think she wants to put me in a dress. I don't know how I feel about that.   Things are getting better though. Having friends and laughing makes this less scary and I can jump really high. Maybe we can make it.  
  • Avery
  • Stereotypes and a pair of fuzzy ears.

    I didn't want to put the money on the table. I didn't want to see her face fall further. It broke my heart. And I was scared she would start hating me. (I hope she doesn't hate me. She's becoming my best friend.)   "Back on Earth" is gonna start sounding like fiction eventually.   Back on Earth: I remember that feeling, honestly. I can't tell them, but I was really smart back then too, I just wasn't good at anything physical. (I was so elated when I found out I could JUMP here!!) Dad said it was gangly pre-teen years, but I sucked at sports (and got beat up for it) and I was always tripping over my own feet. (Aaand now because of that, I've doomed 4 people to this pla [scribble] No, don't think like that. Not good for you. Remember what Rebecca said.) But it's like... being forced to be active and outdoorsy, when inside my head all I wanted to do was learn stuff.   So now, I'm this rabbit-kid. I know it should be impossible to KNOW you've gotten smarter, but I DO. Smarter and faster. But for what? I'm in a place where it's basic biology and chemistry. Physics still exist, but are blown away by super powers. And the one thing I COULD study, mana engines and stuff-... well I don't DRAW MANA. I have brain powers. ....I didn't have the heart to tell them I can't pull any mana. How can you study something if you can't perform the experiments on it?   It seems that here, Kouvael (now that I know how to spell it) are marvelous engineers! Made most of the modern tech, respected as engineers just at the sight of a pair of floppy ears. But I'm not an engineer. This place is full of stereotypes, and it hurts me to see it. Jo seems to be the only one immune from it because no one knows what to make of her. I really hope it doesn't come to that. One person, just one. Please.   [two lines through it] (It also sucks that I tried to warn them about the seamstress lady but no one took me seriously until she ripped Jess off.)   (No, no, don't think about that. You're a kid, they don't know how smart you are, they protect you.)   ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~   I was proud that I could fix the books. The guy just let me do my thing, confident I could sew them up. (Fuzzy ears.) It was going to be 2 bronze a book, but when he checked on me the first time and saw that he "couldn't see the stitch lines or glue", he upped it to 5 bronze a book and put me on the more expensive ones. So, 40 books later-   Is using powers cheating? Fuck it, I don't care.   ....I wonder if Jess thinks I pity her because I use Skate on her. Ugh, I hate my brain. (Sorry Rebecca, I'm trying I swear.)   Sept, hiut, neuf. Sept, hiut, neuf. Sept, hiut-

    Day 1: The Real One...

    I don't understand. I don't understand, I don't understand, I. DON'T. UNDERSTAND. Why am I here? Did I do this? Did I drag all these people here? Was the StarGate real? (Don't be stupid, idiot, of course it wasn't... but how do you explain-)   Ok. Ok, ok ok, focus on the real:
  • There are three moons.
  • I hurt; I hit a tree.
  • I'm here with the Yang RWBY girl Dad got a picture with. (Jessica)
  • The humiliated guy is here too. (Steve or something, I missed his name)
  • Gundam Guy. Check. (Carter - I only remembered cuz of Agent Carter)
  • Girl in a trenchcoat. Seems to be protective of the RWBY (Jessica) girl. (Joe)
  • ....I feel like I'm going out of my frickin mind. My head hurts, my everything hurts. This was supposed to be my good weekend... No, stop, focus on the... the good? They could be psychos, I guess. I mean, I don't know for sure they AREN'T, but they seem nice.   -------------------------   Jessica keeps talking about a slasher. I'm trying to not be scared, but...   -------------------------   My phone rang . I was hoping it was Dad (it wasn't). Joe seemed confident enough and told it to fuck off. But when they came back, Jessica was talking about a slasher again. This is like one of those "Other World" comics or books... except we're gonna be lunch, cuz there's no god to save us. They would have shown up by now, I'm sure.   Ugh. Pine needles are itchy. ....But they're nice. I'm fed, I'm warm... and they've been very kind. Yeah. Breathe. I'm ok. I'm ok. (I miss Dad.)   Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq , six, sept, hiut, neuf. (Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq , six, sept, hiut, neuf.) Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq , six, sept, hiut, neuf. (Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq , six-) Sept, hiut, neuf... Sept, hiut, neuf... Sept, hiut...

    (Pre) Day 1: The Trip

    After FINALLY getting Dad to say yes, here we are at Comicon! I'm so fricken excited! I have an itinerary of everyone and everything I want to see. The Torchwood panel, the StarGate panel: Apparently they have REALLY good speakers this time!   There's so many people here today, it's so packed! There's a certain buzz in the air and a lot of stares and pictures for all the hot cosplaying girls. Dad even seems to be enjoying himself! I caught him getting a picture with a really good cosplay of Yang from RWBY! ....I'm not sure he knows what that IS, really, but he seemed to like the girl. I wonder if she made the costume herself...   It's good he's starting to come out of his shell a little. It's good for him. Make him forget mom a little. "Little, little, little, Avery stop using the same descriptive words in your writing; once per paragraph." Ugh, Mrs. Stevenson.   ....I haven't seen Dad for a little while, actually. Maybe he got distracted by the humiliated guy in the tux. Poor guy. Ah well, he knows my plan, so I'll meet up with him after the panel!  
  • Avery