Avery Bains

Just your average Dr. Pepper loving Widder kid.

Campaign & Party


Day...3-6? 7?

by Avery Bains

Got some paper from somewhere and a pen in my pocket. I borrowed my phone back from Jo so I could write down the first entries I made in it. This is gonna be all jumbled because so much has happened since day 1 and I'm just writing now.
Seeing all the writing in this place (I saw some books written in, like, Sary and Koovale) makes me feel like my writing sucks. Everything's in cursive and I haven't used that in like, two years. I'm going to try to write in it. You know. To assimilate into the cultures.
And that's what we gotta do now. I know think there's a way back. Jo doesn't think so either, and... I'm weirdly ok with that. I feel better. My head is clearer. Once I let all the "societal worries and expectations" go, (thank you for your therapy, Rebecca!) all that was left was a clearer head, ready for all the terror! Don't get me wrong, I like a good scary story, but who wants to LIVE in one?! The changes are... cool? Interesting? Tho.
So I turned into a rabbit person. Koovale. They apparently speak French, and I apparently got a new language because I can understand that now too. (It would have been funny is Jessica had changed into a Koovale. Just saying). We all changed.

  • Carter changed into an "Ohgren" (Some kinda... muscly guy that has a temper and get HUGE over time.) He's really quiet, but nice, too.

  • Jess became a "Faynoes" (Deer girl, antlers and all, eats leaves and no meat.) She seems to really be leaning into it.

  • Jo is a "Kith" (Finally something easy to spell! She's like a demon girl with hair that moves and glows and apparently is really good at dying.)

  • - There's a bird that talks to her, too, and that's the slasher. I think its name is Lagarto? It killed stuff before it started talking to her and called my phone. Weird.
  • Scotty (not Steve) is a Koovale like me. He says he was in the Peace Corps, but he knows LOTS of stuff on how to set explosives and hunt.

  • ------------------------------------------
    We've been staying in these cottages with magic lights while we change. They have food (no meat tho), and beds. The first one was nice, and we stayed there while we puked and changed and were haunted by slashers and witches. We met a Faynoes man who gave us some treats and took off. I turned into a boy-girl. Dunno how I feel about that.
    The second cabin was the most scary. There was a yelling Ohgren who seemed to be having a meltdown. We hid in the bunk room while it screamed, and while Carter tried to stop from going crazy too. Seems like a moon thing. Apparently Ohgren go crazy in the moonlight, which is really sad. I like Carter, I wish he didn't have to deal with that.
    Soon we're going to be moving on to the next town. Well, to A town.
    I don't know how to feel about this boy/girl thing. We're talking a lot about it lately. I mean, Jess and I are. I think she wants to put me in a dress. I don't know how I feel about that.
    Things are getting better though. Having friends and laughing makes this less scary and I can jump really high. Maybe we can make it.
  • Avery
  • Avery's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. (Pre) Day 1: The Trip
      06 Aug 2021 04:47:20
    2. Day 1: The Real One...
      06 Aug 2021 05:02:57
    3. Stereotypes and a pair of fuzzy ears.
    4. Day...3-6? 7?

    The major events and journals in Avery's history, from the beginning to today.

    Archie <3

    06:29 am - 07.11.2021

    *whispers* Bonne fête à toi, Bonne fête à toi, Bonne fête Avery, Bonne fête à toi.... This one was the worst.

    06:40 pm - 25.09.2021

    I'm glad this seems to be a new body. Otherwise, the 'Pepper withdrawals would be NASTY.

    07:52 pm - 07.08.2021

    Stereotypes and a pair of fuzzy ears.

    I didn't want to put the money on the table. I didn't want to see her face fall further. It broke my heart. And I was scared she would start hating me. (I hope she doesn't hate me. She's becoming my best friend.) "Back on Earth" is gonna start soun...

    07:48 pm - 07.08.2021

    Day...3-6? 7?

    Got some paper from somewhere and a pen in my pocket. I borrowed my phone back from Jo so I could write down the first entries I made in it. This is gonna be all jumbled because so much has happened since day 1 and I'm just writing now. Seeing all th...

    02:29 am - 07.08.2021

    Day 1: The Real One...

    I don't understand. I don't understand, I don't understand, I. DON'T. UNDERSTAND. Why am I here? Did I do this? Did I drag all these people here? Was the StarGate real? (Don't be stupid, idiot, of course it wasn't... but how do you explain-) Ok. O...

    05:00 am - 06.08.2021

    (Pre) Day 1: The Trip

    After FINALLY getting Dad to say yes, here we are at Comicon! I'm so fricken excited! I have an itinerary of everyone and everything I want to see. The Torchwood panel, the StarGate panel: Apparently they have REALLY good speakers this time! There's...

    04:47 am - 06.08.2021

    Became a Bunny!!

    Well, I'm a walking, talking fur factory now. Life goal achieved, I can now rest easy.

    04:31 am - 06.08.2021

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Avery.