Jessica Morgan

Lady of M'tannan Jessica Morgan (a.k.a. IceQueenUwU)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She got some hips. Deer hips!

Physical quirks

Tends to be frosted over or wet when she uses her powers.

Apparel & Accessories

Likes to tie ribbons, jewelry, or flowers into her antlers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jessica has been a go-getter since she was young. Her moms encouraged her to try lots of things which included gymnastics, dance, and ice skating. She also got really into anime to the point where she was making her own cosplay.

Gender Identity

She's all girl and has no second thoughts about that.


Bisexual. Jessica tends to be quite interested in men, but also finds women attractive. Ideally she'd be in a polyamorous relationship.


Got halfway through high school.


Had gigs as a professional ice skater.

Intellectual Characteristics

Jessica can be distracted fairly easily, though is also very keen to notice small details. She tends to try to associate new things she learns to stuff that she already knew.

Morality & Philosophy

She's very empathetic and not fond of violence. Tends to be annoyed by overbearing authority.


Won't abide killing people who don't pose a threat.

Personality Characteristics


Be accepted into the Fei'nos. Find a boyfriend and/or girlfriend.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Jessica gets discouraged very easily and gets steamrolled socially.

Likes & Dislikes

Jessica is fond of fashion as well as being admired for her own elegance. She's fond of elegant activities like ice skating, dancing, and gymnastics. She's also very proud of the cosplay skills she's built entirely on her own.

Virtues & Personality perks

Quite empathetic and eager to help people. Very respectful.

Vices & Personality flaws

Has been getting more and more into getting stoned lately.

Personality Quirks

Likes to ensure that she's fashionable.


Tends to be quite clean. Rather enjoys the act of bathing.


Family Ties

Two moms, Kathy and Hanna.

Religious Views

Atheistic, though is curious about the ancestor spirits of the Fei'nos.


Polite and respectful generally.

Hobbies & Pets

Loves anime and ice skating as well as various other physical activities that she considers elegant: yoga, dancing, gymnastics.

Privileged teen girl from Colorado. Outdoorsy, a damn good figure skater, and a fan of anime that makes her own cosplay (follow her on Instagram, IceQueenUwU). Now she's a deer girl, stuff happened.

View Character Profile
? Probably Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of M'tannan
Date of Birth
19 November 2003
Current Residence
M'tannan Manor
Strawberry blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
108 lbs.

How I Became a Lady

M'tannan has traditionally been part of the Fei'nos pilgrimage to The Gathering for quite a while. I'm going to assume a long time. However for years it has been ruins ruled by malevolent entities, so the Fei'nos pilgrims have avoided it and gone around or something. Or maybe they didn't avoid it and they had bad things happen. Either way, I decided to do something about it, so I convinced everyone that we should return to M'tannan and rid the badness.   We arrive to find the place coated in darkness. Like a literal disk of darkness with dark things in the dark ... stuff. That bear that was angry at us was dead and torn up. Or at least a bear. It's hard to tell if it was the same one as I'm not well-informed on bear characteristics or the general local bear population. The Dryad lady was also pretty freaked out and didn't want to come out of her tree. Luckily it's a giant tree, so she has plenty of space to move around. The evil maybe-flying toads were also dead, which is nice. At least evil stuff fights other evil stuff sometimes. The real bad thing was hearing that Kavress was apparently eaten. Then when we get to the manor (see journal entry 2 in my last journal), there are Fei'nos skeletons guarding it with Kavress's apparent animated corpse there. I did not look forward to making that into a fight, so I improvised and grabbed that medallion of Wen'ded and requested an audience. It totally worked! He didn't remember me, but I managed to convince him to let us try to cleanse the place rather than fight.   Inside the manor was an animated Sarie corpse guy, and he pointed a shotgun at me. Not cool, dude. Still, he seemed like he didn't want any part in all of this, so we let him be.   Then we decided to look for the necromancer at the cemetery, which was flooded with bog. Pretty gross. The others decided to just wade across, so I went too, and it was just as gross as I imagined. We found the Kith girl there though and she mentioned a focusing crystal that was creating all the darkness. So we trudged over that way and I started blasting the crystal. The Hag showed up, but she more resembled Fiona than any sort of hag one would imagine. She was biting and stuff while I just kept blasting the crystal. Eventually the Hag morphed into me, but my knowledge of Twilight saved the day and let the others know who was whom. I transformed into Sailor Moon (outfit) and while they killed the Hag, I blew up the crystal!   Woo! When that happened there was a huge rush of mana. It was AMAZING. All my nerves were firing. It looks like Jo, the Kith girl, and Carter got even more of it though. Carter even picked me up and hugged me. Then he started walking off with me and I was starting to think he was just going to bang me right there or something. Honestly, I probably would have gone along with it. Luckily for everyone, it didn't come to that.   Avery said he's starting to think Carter is hot, which is cute. I was crushing on dudes at Avery's age too, so it's totally normal.   We returned to Kavress, and he was pretty thankful as his undead bindings were fading away or something. Then he bequeathed me his manor and stuff, which apparently means that I inherit his title? So now I'm the Lady of M'tannan, I guess? Bizarre, but totally awesome too. Not a princess, but that seems kind of close right? I'm Fei'nos nobility now? I feel like an eligible bachelorette.

To New Beginnings

Hello new journal. your predecessor has been beaten up, and Avery was kind enough to grant you to me. You seem to be built better and are hopefully more waterproof. Also you're made of leaves from the super-tree, so that's cool. Some sort of cultural heritage.   I've got a culture now! Being a white girl American made me feel like I just belonged to bland non-culture, though I do realize there was a lot of stuff involved. But now that I'm a deer girl, Fei'nos, I feel like I'm a part of a culture with ... more stuff! Antler ribbons! Deer Moot! Painted hooves! Maybe we grab antlers when we're having sex, I don't know! But it really feels like I belong to something and I'm wanting to lean into that.   Please excuse me if I write down weird stuff, I'm more than a little high right now. Monched my edible leaf weed because I panicked at the disco - ahem, at the gate check point. I ate it all, and I had probably three or so hits worth in that pouch still. It's taking its time to wear off, but I think I'm mostly normal by now. I was pretty wasted when I met the dryad, but maybe she's cool with that. Maybe embarrassed Carter, but not so much as when Avery said I wanted his cock (for the record, I don't). We talked a lot of sex stuff, and I probably said some stuff I'll regret, but whatever. I'm a teenager, and most people say it's normal to feel this stuff and all.   Back to the dryad. She is apparently sisters from the one in M'Tannan, and she said that she'd like me to return there and rebuild the city someday. Sounds tough, but I dunno, maybe I can start sometime? I'm just one girl, but I'm an adult here. Not that I really know where to start other than moving in. I have ... thoughts, but I'm not sure I should even write them down here. They're just vague forms and ideas. I might have a better feeling for it after Deer Moot, which I am super looking forward to.   But ... yeah, feelings. Maybe future ideas, I dunno. I'm supposed to be young back home, but here I'm an adult, and it's hard to do that transition. Should I really be thinking about the future and about ... things like that? Settling down? I was going to go to college, but I don't even know if that's a thing here. Ever since talking with Kadesh I've have a ... mental image, but it's embarrassing. I feel weird about it. Please don't tell anyone, but ... I've been imagining myself with a Fei'nos husband and wife ... like three of us together and it's just weird to think about that at my age. I don't even know anyone where I feel even remotely that way, but the idea implanted itself in me when he said that Fei'nos live in harems mostly. It just seemed right.   But yeah, anyway, less of that and more of things that actually happened. I used magic to cure Avery's eye and that Maugen woman's memories (just a little), so that was good. We drove through a dead-magic zone and ended up pushing the truck. That super-sucked. Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening, me. And yeah, we're in a Fei'nos city with a wall and moat and super-tree with a dryad who totally likes me. I'm going to dress up and see if I turn heads when I go shopping after I'm not-high.   That's all for now, new diary. This has been Jess. Signing out.

Ghost Kids and Sparkle Boyfriends

So our new home seems like it might be okay. When I think of warehouses, I think of the stuff from comic books where all the badguys always hang out and get beaten up. So seeing the kind of classy (apparently European-style) warehouse was actually a bit surprising. But we bought the place. I'm a homeowner! At sixteen. I own a home before I've had an in-person boy or girlfriend. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but it's definitely something. I have my own room though, my own bed. Shared bathroom. Avery likes to sleep with me, which is fine. But now I can turn him away if I really need to and have a night alone. If I need to. Also we apparently own any cursed treasure trove that is on the premises.   Sometimes I feel like the baby of the group because I often get freaked out by things and everyone makes like they have to comfort me and stuff. Sometimes I need it, but sometimes I'm just dealing with it okay. Avery is, I suppose, the other baby of the group. Co-baby. But he's twelve, so that makes sense.   Jo figured out a way to power my phone back up, which was great. All my music and the few episodes of things I had saved are available. My photos too. Seeing my moms again made me really miss them. It's weird seeing me from just two months ago. No deer bits, and I've really come to think of myself as being Fei'nos in the time since, so that girl in the pictures seems less like me. That girl in the pictures never owned a home either though.   We had a conversation about vampires and Jo got very insistent that Twilight vampires aren't really vampires. I find the whole thing silly since vampires were never real anyway, but it's fun to imagine having a sparkle vampire boyfriend or werewolf boyfriend. Or girlfriend. I'm open to it. Really though, I mostly imagine myself with a Fei'nos boyfriend or girlfriend, despite the humor of imaginary sparkle boyfriends.   And then there's the ghost kid. Kids? I've only seen one, a little dead Fei'nos girl who warned me away. Told me not to go near the place of Wen'ded, whatever that is. I'm kind of inclined to listen to her, but we do have a job to do. I just have a REALLY bad feeling about all of this. I mean, ghost kids whispering to me in a creepy swamp? No amount of imagining sparkle boyfriends will make that better. But yeah, had a nightmare in the middle of hot dream. Then a leech was on me in the morning somehow. Yuck. And when I concentrate, I can still hear the kids. Ghost kids. Or ghost kid.   What is Wen'ded? Something Fei'nos related I suppose. An ancestor? Maybe a dark ancestor. Wen'ded ... wendigo? Eh, it's a stretch.

We Had a Demon Problem

My concerns, it seems, were founded. It turns out that Legatr (sp?), her dark-soul murder-bird, was actually possessed by a demon. Some sort of Tanary (sp?) called a Vrock (sp?). Bird demon in a bird. Legatr attacked Avery and really hurt him, even injured one of his eyes (on his Birthday!). Jo kind of broke through her darkness funk and started to kick the crap out of Legatr and killed it, which only lasts for a day apparently. Killing it almost killed her too.   Rethan, the Kith guy who can smell demons or something, gave us some advice and fetched Lemay. Lemay is a nice Phae'nos woman who heals and can apparently banish the demon out of Legatr, but the Vrock thing is supposedly pretty damn tough. Lots of stuff happening. Jo kind of comes back to her normal self and we all start forming a plan! She says that Legatr will reform in one day. I make an offhand comment about being underwater when it happens so Legatr can't fly away, and Jo jumps on this. So we come up with our plan!   Carter has a mace that can make a boulder. Neat trick. We get a well or something that doesn't leave room. So Legatr reforms with Jo, Jo is underwater in her aquatic form. Legatr gets the demon banished out of him and I swim down to grab him through a chain fence that we set up. The Vrock appears and can't get through, hopefully it can't breathe water, but at least it probably can't fly or ... turn into a worm or something. Then Jo will collapse the chain net thing onto the Vrock as Carter tosses his boulder down the well to crush the Vrock. Jo hides into an alcove that we prepare ahead of time. So the Vrock is stuck in a metal net and crushed under a boulder, all underwater. I mean, that sounds super-deadly to me. Demons do need to breathe, right? Lisa seemed to think so, and she's a former Japanese anime fan, but now a Celestial Kith Paladin. Must hang out.   Turns out that they do, probably. The plan went off super-well, though Jo got really beat up and had plants burrowing into her. But me and Avery and Scott were just blasting the heck out of the Vrock while it was crushed at the bottom of the well. At some point it died, though all that elemental energy put some super-strain on my brain. The most important thing though is that Legatr faded away into nothing and now Jo seems free of it. She seems free of all her super-abilities though, and I told her she should train in being a ninja. I was kind of elemental-overload-drunk at the time though. Seriously though, she's back! She's better!   We had a girl spa night, it was good. I was dumb because I blasted my brain and I was sort of in heat or something. I could not get sex off the mind. But we painted our nails and my hooves, had a good time, didn't do anything dumb other than just talking about stuff.   Now we're being invited to join the Cagebreakers who are anti-mind control or something. Not sure if we're going to do that, but they have chocolate, so I'm going to at least listen to them.

Entry 2, The Fae Manor

When I was a girl, I was friends with Lindsey. We'd both been ice skating since we were seven or so and had grown up together in the figure skating circles. We met up outside of ice skating several times a year, would go to each other's birthday parties, and she even came on a week long camping trip with me and my moms two summers in a row. We got along great. But when we were thirteen or so, another nearby figure skating school closed down and several of the kids that were in that one merged with ours. They were less dedicated generally and made mistakes that all the kids from my school had gotten past years ago. Lindsey was mean to them. She was snarky, insulting, all that mean girl bitch stuff. It took me a while to realize, but I was friends with someone that I no longer liked. I didn't do anything dramatic to break it off or anything, we just started to (maybe) naturally grow apart once we got into high school and my interests drifted while she stayed on the Olympic track.   But that's kind of how I'm feeling with Jo right now. We're friends, but I'm starting to fear that I no longer like her a lot of the time.   This place changes people, I guess. Obviously physically. I have fur and hooves and antlers and all that. But ... mentally too? I can't say I knew Scotty super well back on Earth, but these days he seems more and more like the killer soldier that we used to joke about. Jo is the worst though. She'd always been kind and considerate, but more and more she's seeming like ... let's be honest ... a psychopath. Her solution to every interpersonal problem starts to become intimidation and threats. And now she's killing people who surrender without even the hint of emotion.   That last part is what gets me. During that fight, I really felt like I could understand the way everyone else was thinking, knowing what they planned to do, but also understanding their state of mind. States of mind? Some sort of empathy maybe, I'm not sure. More likely all that communication training that Scott is always doing. But from Jo, when we were fighting, I felt nothing from her. She wasn't angry, or thoughtful, vengeful for the abused children. Just nothing. It was all cold calculus. And that, to me, is chilling.   I've consumed a lot of media growing up to the woman I am today, and one constant in a lot of it was that people who kill without any feelings about it are ... bad. I don't want to think of Jo as being bad or ... evil or whatever. But it's hard not to see that now. It's like her evil bird has been consuming her personality. Give your hatred a voice (figuratively) and a body, and all of a sudden it becomes more prevalent?   I don't know if I can condone this. I hoped I made it clear that I didn't. But it doesn't seem like Jo is going to change, and Scott just enables her. Carter definitely seems on my side, and he says the stuff that I can't put into words. I feel Avery would probably agree with me. But I just ... don't know about the future we have. I thought we were going to be together through all this, but ...   I still feel like I'm the same person I was. Even with deer bits. I like my deer bits. And part of being the person that I was means that I'm not going to stand by people who are bad. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm not going to let this continue. If we're going to be the villains from every anime and story that I've ever seen or read, I won't be a part of it.

New Diary, Entry 1

A free diary, very nice.   Though today was probably my lowest point since coming here.   For the past couple days I've been working quite hard at a job where I mend clothing and making a pittance. I figured that that's the sort of thing one can expect, and while it was cruddy pay it was at least something that uses a skill I already have. But then Jo and Scott come back after one and a half day of work, and between the two of them have made 800 times what I did. It made me feel absolutely terrible and worthless.Everyone tried to comfort me because I'm not great at hiding my feelings and it was pretty obvious. They talked about how it was probably partially racially motivated rather than just my skillset.   Honestly, that made me feel even worse.   See, after I'd changed, I'd been having a decent time with who I've become. Being a Fei'nos, while not what I would have picked if I'd had the choice, has seemed like a fun thing. My deer bits are cute. It's fun having hooves and fur (mostly), I like the big deer ears and even the nose. I can tie ribbons to my antlers and even bells someday. I really have been feeling nice about it. But now ... I just don't know. All my joy at being a Fei'nos has been stripped away, and it seems more like a burden. A poor pick. It turns out I'm the dumb cruddy one, and I'll never bee a part of the group that's worthwhile.   It really hurts, but I don't want to talk to the others about it. I don't want platitudes or pity. I'd like to feel better about it, but through ... actually having some worth rather than through emotional obligation.   So I need a plan. I really really really want to find a group of Fei'nos that I can talk to and learn from. I may be a human from America at heart, but I'm a Fei'nos here, and I want to explore that. There has to be something good about what I am now. I want to learn some of the culture. I want to know what the different ribbons or bells or other decorations on my antlers can mean. I want to feel that there's something good about being a Fei'nos, a connection to others.   Am I a perfect specimen, an alpha like Jo was saying earlier? I don't feel like one at all. I feel like far and away the most useless one of our group, and if all I'm going to be is the weak link, I'd rather find something else to work towards.

Journal Entry in Traveler's Cottage - 2

Hello second traveler's cottage. We found you in a poor state, and have mad## made you better. Things have been going fine, if somewhat difficult. We have stones from spirits that are, in theory, giving us knowledge about the world.   I'm a Fei'nos now. A deer person. Antlers and ears with some other minor deer features up top. Down below I'm all fur with digitigrate legs and hooves. I'm a bit bummed about my future in ice skating, but I find the mobility to be fine. It's weird dealing with fur when I used to be very concerned with keeping shaved, but I'm going to try to get used to it. Oh, and there's the tail, which is absolutely cute. I'm honestly kind of digging it. I really want to meet other Fei'nos and get a feel for what "our" communities are like. Polyamorous relationships? Something like that. Harems? It's a weird idea, but it doesn't squick me out or anything. I feel like it's something I could deal with. I wonder if I can make a living with my hobby, cosplay, in this place. Go full tailor or something. Not sure what else I'd be able to do, I don't really have any skills that would be useful in a world like this. Dancer maybe? I'm a good dancer, but I don't know if that's a profession or just a thing you do.   Jo is a Kith. She can apparently see mana and has movable hair, and has a very creepy-looking bird spirit that has some relation to her mind. She seems to be handling it mostly all right, though does lapse into bits of self-pity every now and then whi## which might be ... No, I don't want to go into theories here. She is still all sorts of fun, and is helpful and supportive, so I don't want to give the wrong impression.   Scotty is a Kuvael. He seems to be taking it in stride with little to bemoan other than losing some height. I'm kind of wondering if it's just Scott or if Kuvael are a bit more horny, because he's been making no shortage of sexual comments. Honestly I don't really mind them as much as I pretend to. Maybe I'm growing more comfortable with that part of myself as well.   Avery is also a Kuvael, but he has become ... Avery was physically male back on Earth, but now he has a mixture of male and female umm parts. Apparently it's quite common for Kuvael. He has been panicking a bit about it, but has been really putting on a brave front too. I'm trying to be helpful and supportive. It's only been a few days, but he's been showing much more interest in more traditionally feminine things from fashion to having at least some interest in men. He still identifies as a male and is opposed to the idea of possibly developing a female figure. Still, whatever choices he makes, I want to help him, and I'm actively trying not to let ## my own interests get in the way of what's good for him.   Carter is apparently an Ogren. Not sure if that's spelled correctly. He has massive muscles and a much bigger frame, which might be a result of the moon or moons. He puts on a brave front, but he honestly seems very worried about losing control and going on some sort of rampage. I feel he's a stronger person than that, but I honestly have no idea how difficult this is for him or what he's even going through. ### His lo## love of meat is just a dietary thing like my own interest in vegetarian fare (vegetarian + even!), so I don't associate anything with it.   So we are just going along. Cleaning up this place which was left an absolute mess. The guys are out hunting right now. I'm feeling very domestic. My moms would be proud since I kind of hated cleaning when I was back home. Here though, I kind of feel a sense of responsibility especially when it comes to Avery.   I absolutely love the idea of decorating my antlers. Having these ribbons is so cute. I want more stuff like them. Little dangly jewelry. Going to be so bummed when they fall out in the winter.   Soon we'll get to what is supposed to be a mining town. Wish us luck.   -Jessica Morgan

Journal Entry in Traveler's Cottage - 1

THa5@ mmsx## @) this   TEST ## &@   W r i t i n g in a ---- with drip ink p## pen.   We have--- been is###i isekaied here. Into this world.   T$$## There are five of us. I have antlers n--- now. Also ears l## like a deer. Doe.   Jo has been going goth. Bla## Black eyes and white hair and black nail p## polish. Now she's sick and it's not good.   Scottie has been turning into a disheveled wreck, but he's pretty dependable.   Avery is a kid, and he's pretty good. Mo### more dependable than me, I guess.   Carter seems very dependable.   We are staying in this cottage and might be here for a couple days. I hope everything is good.   -Jessica Morgan