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Lady of M'tannan Jessica Morgan

7-Level Kineticist (Psychokineticist / Roil Dancer)

Privileged teen girl from Colorado. Outdoorsy, a damn good figure skater, and a fan of anime that makes her own cosplay (follow her on Instagram, IceQueenUwU).   Now she's a deer girl, stuff happened.

Campaign & Party

Sun 16th Jan 2022 08:57

How I Became a Lady

by Lady of M'tannan Jessica Morgan

M'tannan has traditionally been part of the Fei'nos pilgrimage to The Gathering for quite a while. I'm going to assume a long time. However for years it has been ruins ruled by malevolent entities, so the Fei'nos pilgrims have avoided it and gone around or something. Or maybe they didn't avoid it and they had bad things happen. Either way, I decided to do something about it, so I convinced everyone that we should return to M'tannan and rid the badness.
We arrive to find the place coated in darkness. Like a literal disk of darkness with dark things in the dark ... stuff. That bear that was angry at us was dead and torn up. Or at least a bear. It's hard to tell if it was the same one as I'm not well-informed on bear characteristics or the general local bear population. The Dryad lady was also pretty freaked out and didn't want to come out of her tree. Luckily it's a giant tree, so she has plenty of space to move around. The evil maybe-flying toads were also dead, which is nice. At least evil stuff fights other evil stuff sometimes. The real bad thing was hearing that Kavress was apparently eaten. Then when we get to the manor (see journal entry 2 in my last journal), there are Fei'nos skeletons guarding it with Kavress's apparent animated corpse there. I did not look forward to making that into a fight, so I improvised and grabbed that medallion of Wen'ded and requested an audience. It totally worked! He didn't remember me, but I managed to convince him to let us try to cleanse the place rather than fight.
Inside the manor was an animated Sarie corpse guy, and he pointed a shotgun at me. Not cool, dude. Still, he seemed like he didn't want any part in all of this, so we let him be.
Then we decided to look for the necromancer at the cemetery, which was flooded with bog. Pretty gross. The others decided to just wade across, so I went too, and it was just as gross as I imagined. We found the Kith girl there though and she mentioned a focusing crystal that was creating all the darkness. So we trudged over that way and I started blasting the crystal. The Hag showed up, but she more resembled Fiona than any sort of hag one would imagine. She was biting and stuff while I just kept blasting the crystal. Eventually the Hag morphed into me, but my knowledge of Twilight saved the day and let the others know who was whom. I transformed into Sailor Moon (outfit) and while they killed the Hag, I blew up the crystal!
Woo! When that happened there was a huge rush of mana. It was AMAZING. All my nerves were firing. It looks like Jo, the Kith girl, and Carter got even more of it though. Carter even picked me up and hugged me. Then he started walking off with me and I was starting to think he was just going to bang me right there or something. Honestly, I probably would have gone along with it. Luckily for everyone, it didn't come to that.
Avery said he's starting to think Carter is hot, which is cute. I was crushing on dudes at Avery's age too, so it's totally normal.
We returned to Kavress, and he was pretty thankful as his undead bindings were fading away or something. Then he bequeathed me his manor and stuff, which apparently means that I inherit his title? So now I'm the Lady of M'tannan, I guess? Bizarre, but totally awesome too. Not a princess, but that seems kind of close right? I'm Fei'nos nobility now? I feel like an eligible bachelorette.

Jessica's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Journal Entry in Traveler's Cottage - 1
    23 May 2021 01:54:44
  2. Journal Entry in Traveler's Cottage - 2
    10 Jul 2021 07:13:51
  3. New Diary, Entry 1
    07 Aug 2021 07:27:23
  4. Entry 2, The Fae Manor
    22 Aug 2021 08:45:39
  5. We Had a Demon Problem
    26 Sep 2021 06:03:22
  6. Ghost Kids and Sparkle Boyfriends
    07 Nov 2021 06:25:23
  7. To New Beginnings
    16 Jan 2022 08:43:15
  8. How I Became a Lady
    16 Jan 2022 08:57:42

The major events and journals in Jessica's history, from the beginning to today.


11:37 pm - 20.02.2022

I'm a ninja!

08:10 am - 19.02.2022

I need to find someone who knows more about ghost law to learn if I actually am a Lady or not. All this stuff about protectorates and claims is so confusing.

08:10 am - 19.02.2022

How I Became a Lady

M'tannan has traditionally been part of the Fei'nos pilgrimage to The Gathering for quite a while. I'm going to assume a long time. However for years it has been ruins ruled by malevolent entities, so the Fei'nos pilgrims have avoided it and gone around o...

08:57 am - 16.01.2022


Achieved a noble title! Jess is now the heiress of M'tannan.

07:12 am - 16.01.2022

Oh damn. Not only do I have a new fancy manor house, but I have a title now! Lady Jessica Morgan of M'tannan.

07:10 am - 16.01.2022

Magic means that you can cosplay anytime!

07:49 am - 15.01.2022

Awesome Kuvael cartographer. She's super nice and knowledgeable. Knows all the history and all the places. Melda is a person I need to come back to again.

06:15 am - 05.12.2021

Ugh, I'm so sick and tired of being told that I'm wrong when I say something, then a minute later someone else says the exact same thing.

05:16 am - 05.12.2021

Got home, took a bath, and now I'm jammin' to Senbonzakura! Ahhh, so nice.

07:54 am - 04.12.2021

Two-headed wormwolves are defeated. It turns out they were surrounding us which made it pretty dangerous, but we powered through them! And then the weird flaming symbols showed up. Some powerful guy appeared above us on the canyon edge and he looked ... disturbing to me. I have a theory.

07:30 am - 04.12.2021

Ghost Kids and Sparkle Boyfriends

So our new home seems like it might be okay. When I think of warehouses, I think of the stuff from comic books where all the badguys always hang out and get beaten up. So seeing the kind of classy (apparently European-style) warehouse was actually a bit s...

06:25 am - 07.11.2021

Oh ... big two-headed worm-covered wolves that speak Fei'nos. This may not be great.

05:59 am - 07.11.2021

Stay away from the Wen'ded? Not sure what that is, but we shouldn't be here. The nightmare ghost girl told me that. I don't know why no one else can hear the ghosts. Maybe because I have a nature connection? Iunno.

05:42 am - 07.11.2021

Hello big kitty friend. Thank you for succumbing to my Charm Animal spell. I am very glad there was no fighting involved in regards to big mountain lion wandering into camp. Having animal friend powers is pretty cool.

04:23 am - 07.11.2021

Here I am, a homeowner now. Suck it, Boomers! ...damn kids, get off my lawn!

03:25 am - 07.11.2021

I feel that I may be a bit too obsessed with hooking people up together. My fanfiction hobby has made me rather inclined towards looking for relationships.

06:29 am - 06.11.2021

Noodles and stuffed noodles are an excellent vegetarian option. Plus free cake! It was very fun hanging out with Lisa. I get to flex my Japanophile nature around her.

06:26 am - 06.11.2021

I've got deer hips, huh? Okay, I can live with that.

03:21 am - 06.11.2021

To New Beginnings

Hello new journal. your predecessor has been beaten up, and Avery was kind enough to grant you to me. You seem to be built better and are hopefully more waterproof. Also you're made of leaves from the super-tree, so that's cool. Some sort of cultural heri...

06:23 am - 10.10.2021

Now that I'm thinking more clearly, perhaps eating all the remainder of my edibles at the checkpoint was not the best idea. I was pretty darn high all through meeting the dryad and I might have messed up Carter's chances of getting together with her. It was kind of fun, but I may have made more of a fool of myself ... again. Seems I do that a lot. Sometimes I even just go along with it because it makes everyone else smile a bit.

05:45 am - 10.10.2021

Hot baths are still amazing no matter what world I'm in. It was very nice having my own bed and room for the first time since crossing worlds.

04:19 am - 10.10.2021

After hearing that Carter apparently has a Phoenix bloodline I can't help but wonder what it'd be like to fuck a Phoenix. Like ... was it a bird the whole time? Do they turn humanoid-ish? Was magic involved somehow?

05:27 am - 09.10.2021

Drown Your Fears

Ambush a slasher and destroy it before it can draw breath.

02:34 am - 09.10.2021

We Had a Demon Problem

My concerns, it seems, were founded. It turns out that Legatr (sp?), her dark-soul murder-bird, was actually possessed by a demon. Some sort of Tanary (sp?) called a Vrock (sp?). Bird demon in a bird. Legatr attacked Avery and really hurt him, even injure...

06:03 am - 26.09.2021

Victory! Dead demon. I blast it. It doesn't hurt from cold much, but I really colded it. Kind of ... blasted my brain in doing the lots of cold. Hard to concentrate. Embarrassing, feel like I'm in heat. Super horny. Want to fuuu--- but no no. But want to.

05:34 am - 26.09.2021

So we have a plan for this demon vrock thing. It's going to be inside the murder-bird. The murder-bird will return a bit after sunset. So Jo is going to be halfway down a well. She can be aquatic, so she'll be safe. The well will be full of water and have a chain fence ten feet or so down. When the murder-bird reappears, someone will immediately banish the demon out of it. I'll grab the bird and pull it through the fence. Soon as I'm out of the way, Carter drops his magic boulder down on it while Jo swims into her teeny-tiny alcove. Then we just try to hold the vrock demon down until it drowns. Great plan? I hope so.

05:28 am - 26.09.2021

What the fuck, Scott!?

04:35 am - 25.09.2021

Who knew that looking through dark alleys doesn't always help you find a person who likes to hang out in dark places?

02:33 am - 25.09.2021

So ... many ... kids. I'm handling it, but this is exhausting. When it's my turn, three max. Final.

04:38 am - 04.09.2021

Okay, I just had Avery create a sixty-five foot ladder up a giant sacred tree to pull dead bodies and a chained dryad. And Carter is climbing it. Really hope he doesn't fall. Please don't fall Carter. I don't think Avery and I can catch you.

03:49 am - 04.09.2021

I want to help all of these kids! Some of them are so cute, and they all seem traumatized. I'm going to see if I can put ribbons in more of their hair, maybe it'll cheer some of them up. Yeesh I feel so maternal. Is this how I would have been if I had a younger sibling?

08:49 am - 22.08.2021

Entry 2, The Fae Manor

When I was a girl, I was friends with Lindsey. We'd both been ice skating since we were seven or so and had grown up together in the figure skating circles. We met up outside of ice skating several times a year, would go to each other's birthday parties, ...

08:45 am - 22.08.2021

When I moved the water, I was moving like Katara does in Avatar. Do I have to do that? I suspect not, but it's how I visualize doing it, so it works for me. Still, I waterbender. Moving water, chilling my foes, healing my friends. I was always more a fan of Zuko, but I'm cool with Katara and Korra.

08:09 am - 21.08.2021

I have learned about beer and it is lacking. But when you add the magic juice to it, it is incredible. Pretty Fei'nos outfid: acquired. Hoof paint: acquired. I feel like I may have lost a few respect points from my friends though.

04:45 am - 21.08.2021

Been here for weeks now, always around others and no alone time. Been low-key horny all day due to riding on the vibrating truck. Now I'm hanging out with a ton of fellow Fei'nos for the first time. I don't know how this is going to go, and I am somewhat conflicted about things.

06:05 am - 08.08.2021

So let's say I was ripped off and paid the equivalent of $6 an hour for my work. In two days of eight hours, I would have made $96. Jo and Scott repaired some engines and made the equivalent of $76,800 in even less time. Divided in two since there were two of them, that's $38,400. This makes no sense. So okay, my baseline must be wrong. But how much could the two of them be paid in equivalent dollars for one and a half days of work? Let's say they're specialists and can charge $10,000 for that. That would mean that I was being paid $0.78 an hour? I want to burn that sewing shop to the ground.

12:46 am - 08.08.2021

It's nice being able to skate again, even if I need Avery's help. I wonder if I can do performances and make it a profession? Going to have to try to figure that out. I was never Olympic material back home, but I'm sure I can at least be a local sensation wherever I go.

07:29 am - 07.08.2021

New Diary, Entry 1

A free diary, very nice. Though today was probably my lowest point since coming here. For the past couple days I've been working quite hard at a job where I mend clothing and making a pittance. I figured that that's the sort of thing one can expect,...

07:27 am - 07.08.2021

Time to find out what pink ribbons mean when all the Fei'nos in town react to me wearing them!

05:01 am - 07.08.2021

I travel to a new world of magic and become a fantastical creature! Now I start my minimum wage job. Ugh.

04:46 am - 07.08.2021

No, I have not lost any children in childbirth. I haven't even had sex. Thank you.

06:03 am - 11.07.2021

Journal Entry in Traveler's Cottage - 2

Hello second traveler's cottage. We found you in a poor state, and have mad## made you better. Things have been going fine, if somewhat difficult. We have stones from spirits that are, in theory, giving us knowledge about the world. I'm a Fei'nos now....

07:13 am - 10.07.2021

Greatest invention ever: Ribbons in antlers.

03:59 am - 10.07.2021

Random dicks. Threat? Not likely, but I'm not totally sure.

02:44 am - 10.07.2021

Okay nevermind, Kadesh said that I am attractive. Also he gave me a coming of age satchel, so that's good I think.

05:24 am - 23.05.2021

Kadesh said that my deer parts look normal, so that's a good thing. And he didn't even leer at my deer parts, so now I'm wondering if I'm attractive to other deer people. Fei'nos.

05:02 am - 23.05.2021

Me before deerification.

03:03 am - 23.05.2021

Journal Entry in Traveler's Cottage - 1

THa5@ mmsx## @) this TEST ## &@ W r i t i n g in a ---- with drip ink p## pen. We have--- been is###i isekaied here. Into this world. T$$## There are five of us. I have antlers n--- now. Also ears l## like a deer. Doe. Jo has been goi...

01:54 am - 23.05.2021

With so many people who have tails, I'm really curious if this world has a unique take on pants.

01:46 am - 22.05.2021

Pros to being Fei'nos: Painted hooves. Cons: It takes a whole bottle for one instance of hoof painting.

03:23 am - 19.05.2021

Do I need to trim my fur, or does it take care of itself?

04:36 pm - 14.05.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Jessica.