La Nalowale

I once met a La Nalowale in my travels. He had every part of his body covered in cloth and hid in the shadows. It was one of the hottest days of the year, yet he refused to help himself by removing layers. Any people who avoid the sun to that degree obviously can't be trusted. I, of course, still pity them as my heart always bleeds for the wretches of the world.
The La Nalowale people (also known as Nalos) are used to being looked down upon, both metaphorically and literally. They are considered suspicious, devious, sneaky individuals who choose a life in the shadows over being accepted by society. Some say they are secret descendants of the fallen king of Haunaele, while others claim they are simply the rejected children of those eliminated by The Scale during “The Great Balancing.” Their appearance is disturbing to most, and their dispositions are sure to match. Perhaps that is why they live in isolation.

Living in Isolation

Or perhaps, the real reason they are isolated is that society is full of prejudice and ignorance. It is true, Nalos live underground and generally avoid the sun. It is also true that they typically keep to themselves, even while travelling. However, they do not deserve the harsh judgments and accusations often thrown at them. They have families with loving, caring parents, doing their best to raise model citizens. They enjoy music, and art, and using their hands, just like anyone else. Nalos have their own cuisine, language, and culture. Most importantly, your average Nalo wishes to be accepted by society and to be free to experience the world unhindered. Unfortunately, your average Nalo that has attempted travelling, also has experienced the pain of being misunderstood and discriminated against. In the end, a large majority of Nalos, choose to stay in isolation where it is safer.

Foggy Origins

Nalos are proud of their heritage. They have overcome much and consider themselves to be smart, and resilient. Nalo children love hearing stories about the times when their ancestors played along the coasts of many continents across the world. Their ancestors played in the sun, loved the ocean, and enjoyed life with their toes in the sand. Life changed for the carefree people when both the Lokahi and Haunaele kingdoms tried to exert their governance on the people. Both kingdoms did their best to force them to fight when War broke out between the two powers. The Nalos did everything they could to avoid fighting for either side. Many hid, ran or abandoned posts assigned to them, trying to remove themselves from a ware they did not want. When Lokahi Declared Victory, the Nalo peoples attempts were considered lazy, cowardice, and a sure sign they were working for the enemy all along. They were treated worse than slaves and often left for dead after being beaten for simply existing. They began seeking new homes, somewhere that no one would find them. Despite it being dangerous, they headed to Mea'ala during “The Long Dark.” hoping to find a new home. Many died along the way, but, those that survived the original displacement eventually made their way to the Island and established themselves in deep caves to shelter them from the harsh environment. To this day, most live underground in Sumac Deep.
La Nalowale Woman-by Roxanlita via Artbreeder
Home Region: Mea'ala
Home city: Sumac Deep

Parent Species: Human
Common Physical Traits:
Pale grey, ashen skin
White and/or grey hair
Large pupils
Shorter than average Humans.
All art is created and/owned by Roxanlita unless otherwise noted.


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