Shrine of Anuaf Eci

We almost didn't make it. So close were we to death, when we did make it, we thought we were seeing a gateway to death. Thank the gods Ilayda found us when she did, or we would not be more than ice sculptures added to the shrine.
~Adventures of Caldius
There is a large cave in the Northwest of 'Okeko that the dwarves and gnomes of the area refuse to touch. Only the most brave, or insane, explorers and historians make their way across the tundra to the cave. Most don't make it; but, those that do, are rewarded.

The Cathedral of Ice

Once inside the cave, the world grows quiet as the constant blizzards and howling winds are kept safely outside. Just past the entrance is a large room covered in stone and ice. There are carvings decorating the walls imitating pillars and arches of a cathedral, and the ceiling sparkles all day and night. There is a small pool of clean, fresh water constantly being replenished by a gleeful cavern spring. In the center of the room stands a large shrine with hand carved figures surrounding it. There are large wolves, dragons, and unidentified ancient beasts all encircling the shrine. The shrine it's self has an opening large enough for the tallest of visitors and softly glows with an ancient magic. If one is particularly blessed, they might see the shrine emit a beam of light. The light brings a sense of calm, peace, and protection. No one knows who built the shrine, or who it is for. Many believe it is a shrine by ancient Fauna Elves in honor of the animals they bonded with. Even the well-known author Caldius prayed at the shrine and rested in the icy cathedral for a few days. In his writings, he described the mystery of their rations never running out, the fresh water tasting better than anything they had tasted before, and how warm and comforted they felt while inside the cave. Once rested, they made the journey back to nearby Praline, feeling invincible. The lucky few that have gotten to experience what they did reported similar experiences. Whomever, or whatever, watches over the cathedral is a mysterious but powerful source of magic long-lost tot eh modern world.


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Aug 14, 2024 03:35 by Lady Wynter

I like how you have the dwarves and gnomes refusing to go to this cave, but that there are other who are willing to do so. I wouldn't mind a bit more description of the cave and shrine, but what you have still brings it to life. I'm curious about the Fauna Elves.

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