
My children grew up with stories of Caldius' adventures. There was something about it being in the real world with real people that made it more captivating to myself and them than anything I could come up with on my own.
Duchess Rugas
Even if they haven't ever read one, almost every child in Huggleland has heard at least one story from The Adventures of Caldius. It is a large novel written by Huggleland's most renowned author, Caldius. He has written many things throughout his life, but none as famous as the one about his own adventures.

Who is Caldius?

Caldius grew up the youngest of six children on a farm in Peaceville. His parents often found him daydreaming instead of doing his chores, or turning the chores into an imaginary quest full of peril. He was full of energy, curiosity, and intelligence. In school, he only paid attention when it was time to read or write. He was fascinated with the tales he read and obsessed about one day writing about his own journey. As he grew, it became obvious to his family that Caldius was not going to be happy with a quiet farm life. At 18, Caldius left his home and headed to the capital city of Harmony. He took with him a small bit of savings, some rations, and his family's blessing. His parents suggested he work toward becoming a Libraupon his arrival, but, the ever independent, Caldius quickly decided he wanted to do things his own way.

Making Friends and Memories

In Harmony, Caldius was quick to make friends with random people he came across. He was quick, witty, and had a way with words that made people trust him easily. Whenever he came across someone with an interesting story to tell, he would ask if he could record it for future publishing. Once he felt he had enough from the people he met in Harmony, he got with another new friend of his, a future editor at “The Squeaking Quokka”, to publish his first small book. He called the book, “Stories from Harmony.” It was a success and the popularity within Harmony led to his presence being requested by Queen Lokahina. She offered him coin and resources to go journey the world and record his observations. He declined the offer, but it gave him the motivation he needed to decide he needed to leave Harmony and explore more. He carefully mapped out his journey to his every city, town, and small village he could before heading out on his own. As he travelled, sometimes he would join a group of adventurers or like-minded individuals and record their journey. He left small manuscripts or letters everywhere he went as intellectual breadcrumbs for anyone who came across them. It was not always a safe journey, and there were many close calls, however, Caldius is the only person known to have travelled to every known corner of the world. Often he would be asked on his travels, where was his favorite, who was his favorite, etc. He would always smile and respond with, “I won't know until I've seen it all and met them all.”

The End?

After travelling the world, Caldius published his most famous work, The Adventures of Caldius. It was a total of ten volumes, covering everything from that time some Spice Elves accused him of drying up the local oasis, to the time when he got lost underground and mistook a friendly La Nalowale for the ghost of his mother. After the work was published, he began packing again. He wanted to chase myths he had not discovered on his previous journey. His first goal was to find Haunaele and then find out the truth about the Saccharo Elves. He stopped by his childhood home in Peaceville and spent a few nights with his siblings and their families before heading out. No other books were ever published, and no one has reported him since he headed out on this “final” journey.
Caldius the last time anyone saw him


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