
Normally, outsiders are kept out of Sumac Deep during Solarium. After careful negotiation, I was allowed entry while my companions were required to make camp outside.
~Adventures of Caldius
While the rest of Huggleland enjoys the sun and daylight with little thought whenever they like, the La Nalowale people live a life devoid of sun and protecting themselves from it if they leave their home in Sumac Deep. Despite avoiding and protecting themselves from daylight, the La Nalowale (aka Nalos) do not hate the surface life taken from them during the Haunaele-Lokahi War.

A Week of History, Celebration, and Comfort

Living a life underground can be depressing, even if it is the only life you've ever known. The Nalos eyes, skin, and body are too sensitive to be under direct sunlight without covering their skin, thick eye protection, and copious amounts of hydration. Most Nalos do not risk leaving the underground world for fear of heat exhaustion or severe sunburns. Despite all of this, they miss the sun often.
Once a year, the people in Sumac Deep celebrate what they call, Solarium. Solarium is a week long and is a celebration centered around a time when the Nalos lived above ground. Sumac Deep closes entry to the outside world during the celebration. The week is full of stories about not only their ancestral home but the surface world in general. Children draw, paint, and create art representing the outside world and activities they would love to do in the sun uninhibited. The art they make is hung and displayed in the main town center until the ceiling and walls are completely covered in bright, sunny imagery. Everyone wears bright colorful clothing instead of their usual gray, dull outfits. They even make a man made “beach” along one of the underground lakes in their home. Artisans make beach towels, fake palm trees, and animals to decorate the beach. It is a fun time for all ages and rejuvenates the community for another year.
Art by a child during Solarium
drawn by one of Roxanlita's kids
Entrance to Sumac Deep


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Aug 20, 2024 02:16 by Deleyna Marr

Interesting that they continue to think of it fondly!

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