Godann (Go-Dan)

The following character was created with the help of Seth K.   "Food cost money, a bed cost money, everything cost money. Lucky for Godann he knew the secret to money, drunk travelers! Riverweld was full of them, and all he needed to do was a little canal side performance and before too long people would be filling his donation box with silver and gold. He just needed the right tavern. Then with a few carefully plucked strings and jaunty tunes he could just wait for people to drink themselves into generosity. Riverweld was also the perfect jumping off point to far flung destinations and lost temples of Jangala, the temples of Ter'A-Til, or mines of Dun Bok. So, naturally it was full of people that were flush with cash. One particular evening Godann was plying his musical trade at an inn called the Musky Dragon. The night was going well, he had already made enough to cover a room for the night and enjoy a fine meal. When he finished his set the crowd applauded politely and he stepped off the stage to take a break. He was then confronted by a hooded man bearing the sigil of the Arcanum. The home of the wizards in Riverweld. Godann had never considered himself a wizard. He knew that he was using magic, but he never really enjoyed the type of stuffy academic study that wizards represented. His magic came from the soul. Just like his old circus companions had taught him."  
  • Excerpt from the Prologue, The Heroes of the Valley, Season 1
  • Physical Description

    Body Features

    Prior to becoming a Spirit Bag, Godann was a human man with floppy brown hair and colorful robes. He walked with a jaunty step and nearly always had a smile on his face. As a spirt bag, his smile is still present, but he has traded his long hair for a leather flap.

    Identifying Characteristics

    Godann is a backpack.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history


    While he is a vast treasure trove of knowledge, Godann is largely self taught, mostly from his own experiences.


    The self made man in the extreme. Before joining The Heroes of the Valley Godann made his money by playing his lute and expressing himself through the majesty of slam poetry.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Made it onto the wall of fame atBeardsley's Restaurant by eating an entire cauldron of curried squid in one sitting.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Godann believes in the power of people. He has always stood up for the oppressed people of Huld regardless of their station and title. Godann is a firm believer in justice and works hard to ensure that equality and fairness are observed in his own actions but also by those around him.


    Does not trust people who dislike pasta.
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    3495 AF 29 Years old
    Silver buttons
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Tanned leather
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "What's poppin'?"
    Aligned Organization

    Character Portrait image: by Antonia Gil