Hankala (Hann-Kah-lah)

This village was created by Austen McLean.


Hankala is known as a refuge for outcast and half breeds like the founders.


There is a chief who is in charge of the village and they may have some people within their inner circle to advise them on different facets of the community (like farming and trade and such). This position has largely been passed down through family lineage although it’s not a monarchy. The children of those in charge are often groomed for leadership, when the time comes they are the best choices for the next chief, but this has not always been the case. When a person who is not a direct descendant of the old chief is chosen to be the next leader the people consider it to be, perhaps, a bit out of the ordinary but by no means anything that should be questioned or protested against. This idea of a more family lineage based dynasty was more popular in the generations leading up to the rebellion. Since the rebellion, there is now also a representative from Hankala that also sits on the council that rules over Aria and the valley who answers directly to the chief and represents Hankala’s interests in Aria.


For a long time it was thought that the Warriors were the only defense the village would need. Then Aria created it's own presence within Hankala so there was a sentiment of "why put up walls when they're already here”. Any sort of perceived acts of aggression or defiance was punished by Aria so they couldn’t make any sort of village-wide preparation for rebellion that would be noticed. Once Aria was driven out after the uprising Hankala put up some defenses such as watch towers and utilized towers that Aria had put in place to prior to the uprising to watch the villagers.

Industry & Trade

A necessary fur trade that has arose as a result of Aria’s economic oppression. The Hankalan people traditionally hunted what was needed to feed their people. However, the need for money to pay the outrageous taxes to Aria led to increased hunting by individuals for animal furs to sell to traveling merchants. Since the revolution the fur trade has remained the same and brought some wealth to the village of Hankala.


Hankala as a village was built for function over form initially, but with stability and time, different city planning choices were made. In the older areas of the village were there is less infrastructure (dirt roads, less sturdy houses, ect.), but in the newer parts more care was put into creating longer lasting more aesthetically pleasing structures with greater infrastructure. Places like the market, the warrior training camp, the Aria outpost, and the Chief's estate will have things like cobblestone roads and nearby well systems

Guilds and Factions

One of the founding towns of the Order of the Severed Star.


The village of Hankala was named after the founding Chieftesses, Han and Kala who left their nomadic tribes many generations ago. Their tribes we’re at war, but the two women had fallen in love, so they left with a small group from each village. Unfortunately, because their people were only a fraction of the size of a normal tribe they decided to settle in the Azmar Valley near some surrounding villages and cease their nomadic lifestyle because of the advantages of trading and protection of their new allies.   Hankala is where the idea of the revolution against area began, Azmar locals may call Hankala “The True Pearl”, which is more of a dig at Aria than a praise of Hankala. This is not something a non-local would really know.


Aesthetically, the village reflects its forest surroundings and there's a lot of greens and rich browns and fall colors used to ornament many of the exteriors of newer buildings. The newer buildings in the village look like traditional medieval European style architecture. The older sections of the village, are largely residential and focused on supporting agriculture. These homesteads mainly consistent of really sturdy looking huts that have been built up and expanded on to make them big enough for multiple generations of the same family.

Natural Resources

Hankala is nestled in a mountain valley with dense forests, which means access to a lot of timber. Within this forest there is also a lot of game that can be difficult to hunt that is of high value in other parts of the valley and other regions.
Alternative Name(s)
The True Pearl
600 people
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under