Izan (Eye-zann)

Lord of Death, Timekeeper, The Free Spirit

The following information was collected and corresponded by Aurelian Augustus, Fourth of Their Name.   As a god in the Eastern Major Pantheon Izan currently has no clerics or paladins imbued with their divine power. Unlike Vax and Hreth Izan has never provided their divine power to mortals. Izan toils endlessly to keep the cosmos moving forwards in time. They are responsible for the freewill that every living creature enjoys and also responsible for the inevitable death that every living creature cannot escape.

Divine Domains

Domains in the Eastern Major Pantheon that are believed to be controlled by Izan are Death, time and Freewill.  


Izan's control over time is believed to be total. As the one major pantheon god who does not preside over a primary morality such as good or evil, Izan is responsible for the passage of time. Moving ever forward at the steady drumbeat of seconds, Izan works ceaselessly to keep time.  


As they are responsible for the march of time, they are also responsible for death and dying. As people age and pass away Izan is responsible for the death of every living thing. Delaying or preventing one's own death by magical means is seen as folly by many religious scholars of Izan. The religious texts regarding Izan ascribe a belief that even if a person says they are immortal and is very long lived, Izan simply hasn't found them yet.  


Every living creature has freewill and therefore must be given the opportunity to choose between good and evil. Izan's devotion to living beings being able to make their own choices is total. This devotion extends so far that if one being interferes in the freewill of another Izan will not intervene, due to the aggressor or manipulator making the choice to act manipulatively.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Izan's holy symbol is an eight pointed silver star.

Tenets of Faith

Due to Izan's apparent stance of non-interference any organized religion around their tenants have been short lived. Occasional temples to Izan have been built throughout history, however, without any dedicated clergy many of these temples fall into disrepair or are repurposed to the worship of another god.    Some religious scholars believe that Izan's domains of death, time and freewill are too nebulous for most people to comprehend on a personal level, so worship becomes difficult. Add to this, no one historical figure or event has been ascribed directly to Izan. The only exception to this lack of overt presence being chronomancy's removal from nearly all arcane traditions.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Izan has been presented in religious art in multiple forms and genders. Depending upon the presentation Izan has been represented as male, female and intersex. Izan has also been represented as many different living beings such as cattle, birds and several sea creatures. In many popular myths that found their way to the libraries of The Arcanum Izan is represented as a whale or other large sea creature. It is believed that due to the popularity of the myths of Izan as a sea creature the Ocean of Izan received its name from The Arcanum.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As a god in the Eastern Major Pantheon Izan is responsible for a great deal of labor. Their interventions into the daily lives of mortals in Huld is constant but invisible. Examples of Izan acting outside of their cosmic labor nearly do not exist save for one legend. Izan is believed by many scholars in The Arcanum to be responsible for the ongoing failure of chronomancy.    Time magic is thought by many magical scholars to be theoretically possible, however, any ongoing research into chronomancy is typically met with unexplained failure or the sudden disappearance of every practitioner throughout history. Since Izan has no mortal representatives this suspicion has never been confirmed. However, the seeming inevitability of every chronomancers disappearance or sudden unexplained death suggests some intervention on a larger scale.   A note from Aurelian Augustus, Fifth of Their Name. "Wouldn't it be strange if all the clerics or priests of Izan were the chronomancers that suddenly dissapeared? Perhaps Izan collects them to help with all the work that needs to be done. A sort of competency test?"

Morality & Philosophy

As the god/godess of death, time and freewill Izan's morality is known to be somewhat arbitrary. As a god of the Eastern Major Pantheon Izan has never provided his power to clerics or paladins. However, stories of their intervention in the mortal world do not represent them as good or evil. Izan is also never described as a judge, or a mediator. In religious parables and art Izan is described an an unyielding, inevitable force. With their domains being time, death and free will, Izan's morality doesn't favor heroes or villains.


In the uncommon event that someone presents themselves as a follower of Izan there are only really three taboos that occur with any regularity. They are relayed below in degrees of severity from least severe to most severe.   1. Defying death. Attempts to prolong one's life through magical or divine means is seen less as a taboo and more as a mistake. Followers of Izan are represented in several religious texts as interlopers when a person is attempting to live beyond their natural cycle. The followers of Izan do not kill or thwart this person, instead they usually appear annoyed or amused at the belief that death can be escaped.     2. Altering freewill. Izan is believed by eastern religious scholars to be responsible for providing free will to all living beings. If a being has their freewill removed or altered by any magical or non-magical means it is a deep taboo in the eyes of Izan. However, the removal or modification of free will has seldom moved Izan to act on the behalf of the victim.    3. Time alteration. The only evidence of Izan taking direct action against the denizens of the mortal world is the total removal of the arcane tradition of chronomancy. Practitioners of time magic or any other method of time alteration typically practice their work under extreme secrecy. Many arcane researchers dare not even acknowledge the existence of chronomancy for fear of inviting the attention of Izan and their scattered followers. One thing regarding time alteration is clear. Any person or group of people who practice chronomancy, do not do so for long.


Family Ties

According to religious scholars from The Arcanum, Izan is believed to be either the one of, or both parents of every god in the Eastern Mid-Pantheon.
Divine Classification
Eastern Major Pantheon
Aligned Organization