The Arcanum (Ark-Ay-Num)

"Knowledge, unpreserved, is the greatest waste" - Patricia Greylock, Former Abbess of Riverweld
If you ask any member of the Arcanum what their job is, they would undoubtedly answer "We protect knowledge." In fact the truth is much deeper. They are protectors of knowledge first and foremost, but in order to facilitate protection the Arcanum retrieves and researches magical artifacts. The acquisition of that knowledge has led to the development of many skills that outsiders would not recognize in a normal librarian. Arcanum members are sent to dangerous remote corners of the world in search of lost manuscripts, weapons and artifacts. Once the Arcanum retrieves an item it is brought back to one of it's research facilities, an Arcanum Tower or outpost.
Arcanum properties are repositories of vast troves of reference volumes, research teams and deep vaults all bent on towards a single purpose; understanding Arcane, Divine and Primal magic. The past is full of powerful treasures and artifacts that belonged to people who have been lost to history. The Arcanum exists to understand how these artifacts work and why they were lost.


The leader of all Arcanum towers is referred to as the Elucidator.
The leader of any Arcanum tower is referred to as the Abbot/Abbess
Organizations within the Arcanum are referred to as Orders.

Arcanologists Magical Researchers of all things arcane and mundane. The Arcanologists are academics to the core with each one pursuing a specific academic discipline focusing around a specific school of magic. In order to safely conduct research on Arcane and divine artifacts, all Arcanologists are able to wield arcane magic. They do not accept mundane members into their order. They wear silver robes often with large pockets sewn into the lining in order to hold multiple books and quick reference charts.

The backbone of the Arcanum would crack and tumble were it not for the tireless work of its administrators. For an organization to call itself a library they must indeed maintain a catalogue of referenceable materials. The order of the administrators take this duty quite seriously, perhaps even going a little too far from time to time. Cataloguing, archiving and organizing are the stock and trade of this order. Their robes are grey and black often well pressed and immaculate.

Biological researchers and naturalists, the Anatomists seek to understand the underpinnings of biology that allow for the threads of magic to be plucked and pulled by the inhabitants of Huld. Predominately made up of women the Anatomists are able to use their knowledge of the Arcane and biology to push themselves and their research subjects into new frontiers of magic use and understanding. The Anatomists do not accept people who are unable to utilize arcane magic into their order. They are identifiable by their Blue and Purple Robes.

Members of the order of Expeditionaries thirst for adventure and rarely spend much time in an Arcanum tower. Shouldering the responsibility of leading expeditions for magical and historical artifacts, an Expeditionary will often times recruit the assistance of people outside of the Arcanum to complete their missions. Generally found wearing red and silver robes inside the Arcanum, they often shirk their formal robes for more practical apparel in the field. 

The Sophites are responsible for the public health mission of the Arcanum. Physicians, surgeons, and healers the Sophites are one of the few orders where the majority do not posses the capacity to wield arcane magic. Many high ranking members of the Sophites cannot use magic, they see their ability as healers as separate from any arcane magical power. This has led to several Sophites who are capable of magic to reduce or refuse the use of healing magics in order to gain the respect and teaching of their mundane peers. The Sophites can be found wearing dark blue and silver robes and consisting predominantly of women in most outposts and towers.

The Acolytes of the Arcanum are responsible for the labor and upkeep of Arcanum facilities. All new members of the Arcanum begin their studies as an Acolyte. Serving in this role has no predetermined amount of time that must be fulfilled before they are able to be inducted into an order. Some people spend less than a year in this position while others are never able to leave it for a higher order. Acolytes are accepted as Arcane magic users and mundane people.


The mysterious culture of the Arcanum is what draws many members. Shrouded in secrecy and the promise of lost knowledge an Arcanum outpost or tower is a bastion of secular learning and intellect. The document that dictates Arcanum organizational structure is called "The Arcane Compact" It was created by the original circle of librarians who created the first four towers of the Arcanum. Within the compact is the mandate of the Arcanum. Enumerated in the section called the "Twelve points of reference".
The Arcanum exists to develop the education and health of its members and the cities where they build their outposts and towers. To accomplish this lofty goal the Arcanum provides food, healthcare and living accommodations to all its members.

Public Agenda

Preservation and dissemination of education and its gifts and the protection of historical artifacts from the ravages of time and the worldly ambitions of Huldfolk.


The Arcanum does not specifically control any territory save the land on which their facilities are located in their various cities. The are able to justify their existence and involvement within so many different kingdoms by not having vassals, or standing military. They also usually pay taxes or some other agreed fee to the kingdom where they occupy terretory.


While the Arcanum does not officially employ a standing military, certain members of their organization are trained in magical combat and can qualify for an organization called the Bright Shields. The fringe of a bright shield member's robes have additional strands of Green and silver. This order is oftentimes left officially unfulfilled due to the Arcanum not wanting to present the public with the image of a magic wielding formal military. When someone is a “Bright Shield” they are part of another order first and act in a martial capacity when military action is required.   The name of the order "Bright Shields" was originally meant as a pejorative in the early years of the Arcanum. It came from Emerald Empire troops who would mock Imperial magicians for the way their Arcane protection spells looked in the dark. Since that time the label has been embraced by the Arcanum as the name for their unofficial military.


The Arcanum is open to members of any faith that does not require the sacrifice of living people. While the Arcanum does not specifically endorse one god over another they also do not allow users of Divine power into their official membership. Clerics, paladins, druids and priests of varying religious sects do work with the Arcanum but always in a contractual advisory role. Several religious orders and persons have enjoyed long term research collaborations with the Arcanum, however, the Arcanum will not allow people gifted with Divine power to join any of their orders due to the potential conflict of interest that could arise.

Foreign Relations

The Arcanum exists in cooperative relationship with any government where they choose to erect a tower or outpost. Each Arcanum property will task an Abbess to be in control of contact with any local government and oversee the logistics and operations of all Arcanum employees on their property.   The Arcanum provides free child education for young children and teenagers at many towers and also provides a local library service for any nearby people who wish to learn. They do not lend out their books or artifacts, but any member of the community is welcome to inspect or read anything in an Arcanum tower with varying levels of supervision.   The Arcanum also provides specialized medical care to citizens of any kingdom where they have constructed a tower. This has caused some small problems in the past when members of an opposing army have sought medical sanctuary from Arcanum Sophites, however, treaties of extradition have usually been set up between the Arcanum and the kingdoms where they own property.

The Mind Is Mighty

Arcanum Seal by Antonia Gill
Educational, Society
Leader Title
Government System
The Arcanum will often barter collections of knowledge for food, maps, healing and information. They will accept the currency of any realm where they build a tower or outpost.
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members