Protva's Planishing Hammer

"You seem a good sort, a good heart and a good head. Why don't you hang onto my hammer for a while. I'm not using it." - Protva speaks to Cassia. Season 3 Finale, Flames of Emser       .

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When it was separated from its haft the hammerhead reacted violently when struck after being exposed to sunlight, or heat of any kind. The hammer would absorb the heat it was exposed to, snuffing out candles and being consistently warm to the touch. It was believed that the hammer lost its ornamentation as it was deep in slumber, having been removed from the forge for so long.   The wielder is believed to act as a conduit for the will of Protva into the living world. As it is a planishing hammer, the wielder is believed to be able to discern imperfections in materials or weaknesses in foes. This magical ability is said to be nothing but legend. Many wielders have been unsuccessful in harnessing any innate magical abilities. Until Cassia of the Flames of Emser became the steward, the planishing hammer was seen as unstable and dangerous due to it's potential for random explosions and conflagration.    When the hammer was reassembled in the Madji it regained control of its abilities. The hammer no longer reacts violently to being struck out in sunlight but it has become attached to Cassia. Protva has bound it to her, prohibiting any others from wielding its power.


When the planishing hammer was part of Protva's 9 divine hammers, it was used to drive the metals of the world up from the depths of his forge into the mountains and valleys. When Protva had finished constructing Huld he laid his hammers down on his celestial anvil deep beneath the ground. When the forge was found centuries later the hammers were separated to the nine kings of Dun Bok. The Planishing hammer was brought to King Luca of Trotterdam. After Trotterdam was overwhelmed by the scourge the Planishing hammer was lost.   When it reappeared the head of the planishing hammer was all that remained. As a chunk of solid black metal so dark it absorbs light. The hammer head fell into the possession of private collectors and eventually to Carnus and Defanus Stonewright. The hammer head was brought to Trott's Ferry  by the stonerights on a diplomatic mission but was stolen by the Ash Blossom Covenant and then recovered by the Flames of Emser.   When the hammerhead was brought to the Madji by the Flames of Emser it reconstituted itself. Re-growing its dark wooden haft and revealing its elegant exterior the hammer chose to be wielded by Cassia, the warrior of the Flames.
Item type
Destruction Date
Current Holder
One of the nine holy hammers, the planishing hammer is the smallest of the set and was thought lost to the Temple of Protva deep beneath Dun Bok. The power of the forge is said to flow through the crystal in the center of the hammer's head. Although with questionable reliability. Each hammer is believed to impart some different kind of Protva's divine smithing abilities, although what those abilities are remains unclear.
Hammer is 5.5' tall, Hammer head is 8"wide X 8"tall X 13"deep
Raw materials & Components
The hammerhead of the maul is made from a solid metal of unknown origin. The scrollwork present on the hammerhead is intricate and represents the finest in dwarven crafting.