Trott's Ferry

"As Lovejoy leads the wagon down the cliffside road, a roiling carpet of thick vegetation spreads out before you. A thick haze covers the jungle obscuring visibility after less than a kilometer. Next to you, the Silver River thunders over the edge of the plateau in a tremendous waterfall, the town of Trott's Ferry lays at the bottom of the breakwater. Proceeding Alminar's family cart carefully down the road, the trees part and the town comes into view. Trott's Ferry is a bustling place. Half-Elves, humans and Half-Orcs hustle through the muddy streets between stilted bamboo structures along the riverside and homes that disappear into the jungle. Coming down to the bottom of the cliff the road splits off in several directions. The main thoroughfare slopes down to the river past an impressive grey stone building and several large moss covered wooden structures. A dozen bamboo docks line the shores of the river. Boats loading cargo to travel south through the perilous valleys of Jangala to Lake Matsaya and the Fa Empire." - Flames of Emser. Season 1, Episode 6.


While the Jadeshi is human and many humans call Trott's Ferry home, the majority of the town's population is Half-Elves. The town holds host to several families of half-orcs, Mountainfolk and Ravenites as well.   The wealth of Trott's Ferry is shared across several different economic sectors. Several merchants control large ships that navigate the Jangalan rivers and valleys. The income they generate creates enough wealth to support the members of the dockers guild. Wagon drivers from Emser move the cargo and freight to and from the town generating jobs and labor enough to support the members of the wagoneer's guild.


Trott's Ferry is run by one person in a position called Jadeshi. They are responsible for the administration of the town guard and pass judgement in all criminal cases. Jadeshi is expected to negotiate all treaties, trade agreements and border crossings with foreign governments. They are also responsible for the collection of taxes from merchants and town guilds. Jadeshi is a very busy person and as a result relies upon a support staff of people that have been collected into the town guard. Many people who serve in the town guard are not soldiers and have no military training or experience. Instead Trott's Ferry groups all the civil support staff under the group organization of Guards.


The town is protected by several natural geographic barriers which help to isolate and defend its perimeter. Geographically protected from the north by steep sheer cliffs of the Tressian Plateau and from the south by the thick unforgiving jungle. The only access points to the town are down a heavily patrolled cliffside road or by water using the winding dangerous rivers that snake through Jangala.

Industry & Trade

Shipping and tourism are the two primary industries of  Trott's Ferry. Due to its location, the town acts as the fastest pathway between Emser and all points further south. With so many merchants required to pass through Trott's Ferry a thriving industry of warehouses, labor guilds and supporting businesses have sprung up in the town over the years.


Trott's ferry is small enough that it doesn't have districts, however there are three parts of town.   Hillside The northside of town that leads to the winding cliffside road up to the Tressian Plateau. This side of town is raised up on a natural hill and overlooks the center of town and the harbor. It contains Jadeshi's palace, and many Emserian immigrants who have built ground level homes near the cliffside road. The Waggoneers guild hall is also located here as well as all Waggoneer loyal shops and taverns.    Harborside The south side of town along the docks. All trade that passes through Trott's Ferry enters or leaves through the harbor.

Guilds and Factions

Two of the largest guilds in the city are the Waggoneers and the Dockers. With the volume of wagon caravans arriving in Trott's Ferry, the Wagoneers stay busy. All the goods that enter the town are handled and transported by the Waggoneers guild. With goods are ready to be exported to Riverweld and other points further south they must be loaded onto ships. However, the Waggoneers are prohibited from handling the goods once they reach the harbor. The group of people responsible for loading and unloading the many ships that arrive and depart from the harbor are the Dockers guild. Any ship that docks in Trott's ferry must accept the labor of the Dockers guild to move their cargo. Even though they two guilds understand the differences in their labor specializations there is a fierce rivalry between the guilds. Many members have their associations tattooed on them, Waggoneers typically have the stones of the silver road tattooed on their legs while many Dockers have the waves of the Jangalan rivers tattooed on their arms.   The Arcanum also has an outpost in the city run by the diminutive Gnome, Bevan Umbra and his assistant Mario. The outpost is not a full tower yet and it is located inside the Jadeshi's palace.   Other guilds in the town are less formal, and less organized. The Ash Blossom Covenant does have a presence in the town, however their membership has been reducing lately due to the efforts of a small group of vigilantes calling themselves "The Reapers."


When the The Traveling Companions shipwrecked with a group of Elven slaves they were rescuing the town was founded after a fierce battle with losses on both sides. The history of Trott's Ferry and its founding are catalogued in the volume The Traveling Companions: A History by Aurelian Augustus, fourth of their name.

Points of interest

The Loose Turtle

Many wealthy visitors choose to stay at the town's most luxurious inn. A multi-story bamboo and stone establishment featuring a refined staff, excellent in house cooks and fine linens in the rooms. A variety of rooms are available to travelers with varying levels of wealth. With more expensive multi-room suites available for ten gold per night and single bedrooms available for as little as two gold.  

Jadeshi's Palace

One of the few stone structures in Trott's Ferry. Jadeshi's palace is a compound spanning several acres. Surrounded by a high stone wall and located atop the hill in the center of town, the palace overlooks the harbor. Within the palace are the town jail, the Arcanum outpost, servant's quarters and Jadeshi's home.   


The tradition of tattooing is popular among the Dockers and Waggoneers guild, Misha's is the only tattoo shop in Trott's Ferry that refuses to tattoo any member of either group in order to maintain her neutrality. However, upon seeing the tattoos that cover so many townsfolk, visitors to Trott's Ferry sometimes wish to get a tattoo to express some of their own unique styles. Run by the elderly but no less imposing half-orc Misha, the tattoo shop is located in her home near the center of town. Despite her lack of any kind of advertising or signage on her building, her reputation for beautiful, detailed tattoos draws new customers nearly every day.


As a required stop along the corridor between Riverweld and Emser much of Trott's Ferry has built up a comercial interest in serving the people that use it as a stopping point on their journey. Several business to cater to the needs of the many classes of merchants that visit the town. Visitors to Trott's Ferry usually outnumber the townsfolk and always require a place to stay and spend their coin. The town is dotted with small taverns, inns, restaurants, tailors and blacksmiths. Tradesfolk of varying origin are allowed to set up shop in town and do so regularly. The competition for business is fierce in Trott's Ferry and many shops do not stay open long. With so many refined travelers passing through the town, only the highest quality or most lucrative businesses stay afloat. Every business that hangs a shingle in town is required to pay a seasonal tax for the continued operation of their business. The proceeds of these taxes support the town guard and the administrative costs of Jadeshi's duties.


Due to the original town's proximity to the Silver River's headwaters, many buildings are constructed on stilts. With the seasonal flooding of the river the town is able to compensate for the rise in water level with many structures being made of the bamboo that grows constantly in the jungle. As the town has grown several buildings have been constructed of stone above the flood plane. Recovering rock from the soil around the town is nearly impossible with the presence of so many thick tree roots, so nearly all stone is imported from Emser.


The spray from the Silver River floats through the air as it tumbles off the Tressian Plateau and down into the Jangalan rain forest. At the breakwater the thriving river town of Trott's Ferry spreads its docks. Nestled among tall dense trees and a thriving harbor the town is flanked by trees to the east and west. A sheer cliff leading down to the village is crisscrossed by the only road from the Tressian Plateau leading down into the city.

Natural Resources

The surrounding jungle provides rich soil that produces multiple fruit bearing trees and wood for construction. The harbor provides some fishing, however the natural predators of the surrounding jungle are dangerous competition for large fishing vessles and often find themselves the target of Jangala's large river predators.
Founding Date
3140 AF
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

Cover image: Hidden Village by SkyrisDesign