The Family Augustus

Academics, researchers, treasure hunters, thieves. The family from Nightgrove known as the Augustus have gained a reputation in several corners of Huld as explorers and adventurers of the highest order. With multiple generations pursuing the same trade the family has gained a wealth of connections and allies to help them seek out the secret and untold histories of the ancient world.


The family Augustus is organized with a patron that changes over time. The parent of the current Aurelian Augustus typically assumes the duties of head of household. However, there is no formal written documentation that requires the parent of the current Aurelian be the head of household.   The name of Aurelian Augustus is typically given to the first born child of the previous Aurelian Augustus. As the name is non-gendered the name is passed down to both male and female members of the family.


The original Aurelian Augustus was a half-elf from Nightgrove. Due to her second class status as a half-elf, half-human Aurelian had no last name and was considered an orphan. Her father had been a member of the Faultless Army of Tefferan and was killed in battle. When Aurelian was born her mother was forced to exile her due to her family's status. Raised by her own wits and gumption, Aurelian found work as a translator after a chance encounter with a member of The Arcanum who was traveling with an expeditionary party. During the expedition Aurelian was responsible for taking notes and cataloging locations of her expeditions. After several years with the Arcanum Aurelian retired with several volumes of histories, ethnographies and studies helped by her time as a translator.   When Aurelian gave birth to a son, Augustus, he developed his own love for adventure and decided to trade in the same business as his mother. Using her contacts her son was able to initiate conversations to start his own career as a translator for the Arcanum. The decision to use his mother's name came at the suggestion of an Arcanum researcher who mistook him for his mother. Due to the gender neutral name of Aurelian and the lack of any family name up to that point, Augustus became a family name. Aurelian Augustus first of his name became the second member of the family to build a history as an explorer and the continuation of what has become a grand tradition of famous explorers. Each subsequent generation taking the name of Aurelian Augustus and continuing to catalogue the world of Huld and occasionally collect the profits of recovering lost relics.

Foreign Relations

Depending on who is asked and where the family name of Augustus is met with wild enthusiasm or disgust bordering on hatred. This wide array of feelings are often the result of some ancestral or current family members having snuck into lost temples and recovering stolen artifacts from fiendish collectors.


Each member of the August household receives high levels of private instruction on history, religion, dance, etiquette, philosophy, arithmetic, linguistics, athleticism and other subjects. However, not all members of the August family take the name of Aurelian Augustus. Those children that take the name are given extra instruction on combat techniques, deception, sleight of hand and wilderness survival techniques.

Ceri- รบ- math- i (Don't touch that)

Founding Date
2688 AF
Alternative Names
Academics, Grave Robbers, Thieves, Historians,
Family Leader
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