The Seeking Sword

“I have been called many things, Courage Seeker, Honor Bringer, Scourge of the Damned, but whoever wields me gives me a new name as I quest for adventure, glory and Justice.”
  • The seeking sword.
  • Mechanics & Inner Workings

    The following information is for using the Seeking Sword in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.


    The seeking sword is a sentient chaotic good weapon with 14 Intelligence, 16 Wisdom, and 17 Charisma. It has magical hearing and darkvision. With the eye on its hilt, it may roll Perception in place of the Player Character and telepathically communicate what it sees to its weilder. This weapon can communicate telepathically with its wielder, or any creature within 20 feet that it chooses. It can speak, read, and understand any language spoken by the weilder, as well as the Sedai language, and abhors killing good creatures. The seeking sword strives for adventure and the thrill of battle. It will often sing ancient songs after slaying an enemy (unless the wielder tells it to stop). Although the Seeking Sword seems young and naïve, the weapon's personality pervades regardless of its age. The weapon will often strive to be the motivator of any group. The weapon holds child-like beliefs of the nature of good and evil, and always tries to impress those around it.  

    Glory and Honor

    If the weilder does not perform an Attack with this weapon against a non-Good or otherwise obviously hostile target, or enter an obviously hazardous or hostile environment (such as a dungeon), for 24 consecutive hours, the sword will telepathically complain. When complaining it’s wielder has Disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma-based Ability Checks, due to the magical nagging. It immediately ceases to complain if it is used to make an attack against a non-Good target or enters an obviously dangerous area. Only removing attunement the weapon, or waiting 1 week since the last time an Attack was made against a Good-aligned or obviously friendly target, will cause the complaining to stop. It will also begin to complain if used to make an Attack against a Good-aligned, or obviously allied/friendly, target. But can be convinced of its wielder’s decision with a DC14 persuasion or deception check.  




    As long as you are wielding this weapon, you are immune to being frightened.

    Supernatural Awareness

    The sword innately senses hostile intent. Whenever a creature is within 30 feet of you and actively seeks to cause you harm, The Seeking sword will alert you of its presence (though, not its distance or the direction in which it is located.) The sword will need to make a Perception check.  

    Teamwork Mindset

      Whenever an ally within 30 feet of you is making a mele attack, you may use your Reaction to grant them Advantage to their next physical Attack roll.  

    Curse - Bloodletter:

    Each time you reduce a non-good creature to 0 Hit Points via an Attack made with this weapon, Roll a D100. On an 80 or higher it harvests and absorbs a fragment of their soul, gaining one soul point.   When the seeking sword has collected 20 soul points, its Curse fully activates, and it gains a primal thirst for blood; its blade becomes completely black, with nothing reflecting off of its surface. This results in the following:   The seeking sword becomes Chaotic Evil in Alignment, and no longer complains in response to being used to attack a Good-aligned or friendly target. It’s name is now Bloodletter. It will not change this name no matter how much the wielder pleads.  
    • The seeking sword deals an additional 1d6 necrotic damage per hit, healing the wielder by an amount equal to half of the necrotic damage dealt this way up to their maximum hit points. Its wielder also takes 1d4 points of damage for every day that passes when the wielder does not use it to attack a non-evil creature.(this damage cannot reduce the wielder below half of their maximum HP.)
    • Supernatural Awareness and Teamwork Mindset abilities no longer function.
    • While at 30 or more soul points, the sword’s necrotic damage increases to 2d6. While at 50 or more soul points, it increases to 3d6. Finally, while at 100 or more soul points, it increases to 4d6.
    • The seeking sword loses half of its current Essence points every time its bearer completes a Long Rest after having not used it to make any attacks for 24 or more consecutive hours. Alternatively, becoming unattuned with the seeking sword will cause its Essence to reset to 0 after 24 hours.


    The Seeking sword is the oldest Sedai artifacts to be discovered. Believed to predate The Breaking by at least one thousand cycles the Seeking Sword is also one of the only artifacts attributed to Izan  a god from the Eastern Major Pantheon.
    Item type
    Unique Artifact
    Creation Date
    5000 PA
    Current Location
    The seeking sword is unique. As a Sedai artifact of Izan  the sword is peerless.