The Twelve Points of Reference

The twelve points of reference is one of the most important documents ever created to the Arcanum. It is a list of rules that each Arcanum member must swear to in order to become an official member. The rules have not changed as long as the Arcanum has existed as an institution. However, it is up to the discretion of each Abbot or Abbess how strictly the points of reference are enforced under their leadership.
Any member of the Arcanum must hold themselves to the virtues and rules set forth by the Twelve Points. Failure to uphold the Twelve Points can lead to internal trials within the Arcanum. If an Abbot or Abbess is proven to have violated any number of the Twelve Points they can be made to pay fines, stripped of their rank, or exiled from the Arcanum all together. There are even rumors of employees who have had their use of Arcane spelcasting power severed altogether for truly heinous transgressions. However, there are no historical records to prove such a punishment has ever been enforced.

Document Structure

Publication Status

Copies of The Twelve Points of Refence are available to any person who requests a copy. The original Twelve Points of Reference is locked away in the vault of the first Arcanum Tower in the Emerald Empire.

Legal status

The Twelve Points of Reference has no legal power beyond the employees of the Arcanum.

Historical Details


The original Twelve Points of Reference was originally created by the first twelve members of the first Arcanum Tower.


While the original Twelve points of Reference was written several thousand years ago, each Arcanum tower possesses a copy of the document. The copying of the twelve points is a tradition that each new tower goes through in order to become an official Arcanum tower. The copy of the document is hand written by the first Abbot or Abbess to oversee the new tower and is personally looked after by each subsequent Abbot or Abbess.
Signatories (Organizations)