Theia Timoria

This character description was written with the help of Hazel B

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The history of Theia has been recorded in the biography Theia Timoria: A Sleight of Hand.


Coming from money and the Orchard district of Emser, Theia began her magical studies at the city's Arcanum tower. For several years she attended classes but never truly learned to apply herself. Instead she would spend time outside of class joining several of her classmates in causing mischief. School was one of the few places Theia could remove herself from a controlling household. Her parent's expectations of their daughter becoming a well regarded wizard and one day possibly joining the ranks of the Arcanum or the Emserian Royal Court would never come to be. Theia left the Arcanum when she was 16.  Because of this, her spellcasting appears rudimentary to more experienced magic users. Having developed her own 'make do' style of wizardry. She honestly doesn't know how she gets spells to work sometime.   Rather than magic and mysticism Theia chose to pursue other more lucrative interests. She found herself particularly adept in procuring certain items for money. Weather or not the items belonged to her was irrelevant. Theia began her criminal tutelage under a dashing Half-Elf named Tynan and his crew of misfit thieves. With her magic at their disposal she was able to help with new types of heists, and in exchange she would learn new ways to pick locks, pockets and coin purses. Theia would also become quite adept at the creation of forgeries. Creating replacements for stolen items would usually allow her and her crew to fence their stolen wares quickly and unobtrusively.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Theia’s largest accomplishments were the first jobs she pulled during the first few months of running with Tynan’s crew. They pulled off a series of smaller crimes, and at the time felt like master thieves. Theia looks back at these achievements a little ashamed, but overall still remembers this time fondly.

Failures & Embarrassments

Theia’s biggest failure is the theft that caused her to flee from Emser. After working with Tynan's gang and accomplishing more and more daring heists her crew felt invincible. After the previous slew of smaller crimes they wanted something more challenging and with the chance of a larger pay out, they wanted to make it into the big. Riding high on their confidence they took their thieving exploits where they had never gone before, against a rival gang, the Shadowsbane Guild. According to Tynan the Shadowsbane guild had been collecting some of their more valuable assets in a vault hidden in the underground waterways of the mill district. Tynan knew where it was and how to get in. After several days of planning the team had their assignments and they were ready to go.  The night of the big heist, Theia and the rest of Tynan's gang slipped through the Mill district like shadows, crept down into the sewers and located the vault, right where Tynan said it would be. They were surprised by a lack of security around the premises, Theia and the rest of the gang didn't give it much thought and counted themselves lucky. Their inflated egos stopped them from being too suspicious. When they finally reached the vault containing their prize, as the group opened the vault the deception was revealed. Tynan had sold out his crew in exchange for debt forgiveness, the vault was empty save for a squad of Lark Society soldiers waiting for them inside. A chaotic battle ensued, with Tynan successfully fleeing the scene. One by one the other party members fell, and Theia just barely survived by running and leaving her friends behind. They were completely blindsided by Tynan’s betrayal. Theia’s biggest embarrassment is leaving her friends behind.

Mental Trauma

Theia believes all of the members of her group to be dead, and feels immense guilt for leaving them behind. She is easily blinded by her desire to kill Tynan for his betrayal. Though she thinks she is driven by a desire for revenge, her vengeance is actually a manifestation of her guilt for leaving her friends behind. What she truly desires is to simply make them proud of her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Theia is much smarter than her initial attitude might suggest. She puts on a more aloof front in order to seem more trustworthy, and selectively reveals information to gain more trust and try to get information from other people without them realizing. After working with Tynan's group and fleeing Emser to work for herself Theia learned the advantages of being underestimated. With her high society upbringing and first hand knowledge of the Emserian criminal underworld she is able to slip naturally into many different social situations.

Morality & Philosophy

Theia’s morality is guided by her guilt and embarrassment. She’s ashamed of her past, and desperately wants to be better person to atone for it. Though she’s quite skilled at theft and deception, her philosophy is to only steal from those who deserve it. This sense of morality is what led her to steal from the Ash Blossom Covenant in Trott's Ferry.


Theia will do everything in her power to avoid killing people, even evil ones. She caries the finality of her friend's death with her and doesn't want to bring that pain to anyone else. She’s killed before, but she’s not proud of it.
Current Location
Long and wavy with signs of a hasty black dye job
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Fluent: Emserian Common (her native language), Nightgrove Elvish. Conversational: Emserian Theives' Cant.