
This is a work in progress     Humans are one of the most common ancestries across Huld. Due to their proliforation they have a variety of subcultures, ethnicities and levels of technology.

Basic Information


Bipedal and Bibrachial creatures with an average height of 5'8" for males and 5'4" for females. Skin tones are varied ranging from dark brown to pale white. Skin tone is believed to be a generational biological response to environmental factors including climate, food scarcity and predation. Human eye color consistently includes white sclera and a variety of central eye pigmentation including Brown, grey, green and blue. Humans physicality lies in the middle of average physiques of the other ancestries in Huld. Less muscular and dense than Dwarves and Orcs but more muscular than Elves, humans occupy a middle ground. Many humans posess genetic pre-disposition to an ectomorphic body type, but endomorphic body types are equally as common. Humans require six to eight hours of uninturrupted sleep per 24 hours.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce viviparously. Two biological sexes (male/female) are required to reproduce. Gestation of a phoetus occurs in the body of the female for 270 days, or slightly longer than two seasons.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans typically reach adolescence at 16 cycles, adulthood at 20 cycles and old age at 50 cycles. The Human lifespan almost never surpasses 90 cycles. Depending on their environment different humans have longer or shorter lifespans. As an example, humans living in the Ramlands typically have a lower life expectancy than humans living in Kylia.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have the biological requirements for the five basics senses: Sight (two eyes, front facing), Hearing (Two ears, placed on either side of the cranium), Smell (One nose placed between and slightly below the eyes), Taste (One tongue located inside the mouth), touch (skin organ of varying sensitivity encasing the entire body.) Human eyesight has no special charataristics that allow them to see in low light or dark conditions. They are unable to see at all in near darkness with without the aid of an additional light source.
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