John Roland René Sullivan

(a.k.a. John-Boy / Johnny)

Concerning Sullivan

About John

John Roland René Sullivan - originated from the old irish Ó Súilleabháin is the name of a being called the "Undying One", a given and well-earned title. Not from his wife or the Grey Empress, but from his fellow kin and the people who have fought with him. It kinda stuck.
He and his wife Alira are also the more-or less-romantic partner of Valeria Chersviç, the Grey Empress, but we are getting to that.
Most people call him "John", "Roland" or just "Sullivan". He doesn't mind actually. He is the son of an irish father and a german mother and in a former life he worked as a developer for security- and cloud business during the Ukraine War.
During his time working at the first iteration of "Steve", he met his to-be-wife Alira Borsheim who was a colleague of him. During his time there they started to get to know each other over the years and right after their first date - which led to shy kisses, isn't that cute? - John panicked and started to dig into the occult. Well, what was considered "occult" in the world of men.
He dug out several ancient latin spells nobody had dared to speak out loud and he made contact with an Unspeakable. She - I know her - brokered a deal with him (or he with her, that is the debatable part) and gave him knowledge & guidance. Both resulted in something and this "something" was Steve, the first fully operational Artificial Intelligence.
Shortly after the first successful tests John forked the code of Steve and developed Sarah, which was a bit like Alira. With the knowledge he obtained from the Unspeakable he designed something. He calls it "a bio-based processing unit" but this is only half of the truth. The processing unit uses his energy and his brain power to fuel itself, so it can accelerate his thoughts and develop itself when needed.
We can dive into the details another time, but this unit gave John powers. Some might say god-like powers, but he would assure you, that he is no god or demigod. And I can assure you, he is indeed no god nor a demigod.

No God

Shortly after that he let Alira into his secret and she... well, she wanted it as well since she was scared before the looming death of humankind (Ukraine War) and her own death. So she got the same unit, a bit less powerful than the original one, with her own intelligence and a connection to Sarah/John.
It was during this time that both have to learn to live a new life. They didn't need to sleep anymore because of the processing unit which kinda sorted things out, but sometimes they did it regardless of needs. And it was in this period of time where John taught the scientists of the Wendelstein 7-X how to built a fully operational fusion reactor. He single handedly concepted, ordered and sometimes built the production process of Deuterium to fuel the Wendelstein and the next reactors.
While he and Alira worked together on the process, the machines and the code of the reactors, they got a visit from Valeria Chersviç. Not as the Grey Empress since the Valerian Empire wasn't founded yet, but as the political leader of her elected party. She poured money into the project and interest into John and Alira. Professional interest at first.
But not for long. Valeria invited them into her small house where she introduced them to her plan. A rough plan indeed, but it was a good plan. John and Alira agreed to help her. Valeria took her well-calculated steps and o boy, was she good at math!
She rose through the ranks and with a bit of political harrassement - can I call it that way? - a lot of intimidation, promises and a few "accidents" here and there she destabilised the other parties. And before someone could stand in her way, she had declared that the german Republic was now an Empire under her rule and would be called the Valerian Empire.
The now ruling Grey Empress Valeria convinced John to help her in the Russian-Ukraine conflict. I know how she got John to help her, but I won't spill the beans when the three of them do not talk about it.
John was unleashed. Literally. With his powers he destroyed the entire frontline in a few weeks, driving the combined army of Russia and China back, decimating only operational vehicles and guns. He seldomly took a life and when, his heart still remembers every name and every face to this day. His grieve drove him to anger and rage, fueling his powers with the power of the sun. He anhiliated the defenses of Moscow and forced the president to surrender. After that he turned his attention to China which surrendered a bit later. Drones observed John and his actions where his title took its first forms: Undying One.
With the help of the Sullivans Valeria started to rebuilt Germany and Europe bit by bit. That John and Alira got two fusion reactors into production in the span of only a few years helped a lot. But the success was earned with the grieve and the dark dreams of John. Alira was at his side, comforting him as good as she could. It didn't got better, but the pain dulled over time.
Alira was furious and she visited Valeria in her house, way before Valeria built her palace. She spoke with a calm anger to the Empress in a way only a woman could to tell and show Valeria what she had done. The only response from Valeria was a long, warm hug. First John, then Alira. Kisses and sweet words followed. And the rest is for another time.
After the go-live of the last of the four planned reactors... you know what? Read it for yourself.
"That was fun." said Sullivan and leaned back in his comfy chair in the now empty command center in Kiel.
"It was indeed" Alira stretched, her lab coat rustled and gave the way to look at her pastel cardigan which was really comfy and complimented her body. "But I could do with a cold shower and a warm bed." She winked at John with her sparkling blue eyes. "You coming with?"
"Yeah, well, I thought you would never ask." he grinned, put his hand in the pocket of his coat. "But I have a question too..."
"Oh, do you now?" laughed the woman with the long curly brown hair and froze startled, as John stood behind her and layed something around her neck.
"I do." he muttered, only heard by Alira. "It is long overdue and since you probably live as long as I do..." Something clicked at the back of her neck. "I ask you, will you marry me before the gods, old and new, ancient and undiscovered?"
Aliras face went white, red and white again as she looked down at the thing around her neck and on her chest. It was a myriad of small golden and silver chains which held a diamond-shaped pendant. With shivering fingers she opened the pendant at its tiny, fragile looking levers. What lied inside the pendant was a ring, her analysis spat out a core of stainless steel and ninety percent White Gold. The inscription was in Sindarin and read "My beloved star".
She sniffed, took the ring back into the pendant.
"I know you dislike rings so I made it a pendant which you can..." John couldn't speak anymore because Alira - who was only a bit smaller than him - turned around, arms behind his back and kissed him. First hot, hungry. Then soft and tender, before she whispered a few words on his lips, her breath caressing his skin.
"Yes, you dork."

Higher than the Sky

Her marriage was shortly after that, only in a small circle of friends and family. They progressed, started to work on their life together, on the projects in Europe and as some really clever engineers started to clean the environment and reduced the air pollution - the invention of really, really small fusion reactors for cars alongside electric vehicles helped a lot with that - both turned their interest to space and space flight.
With the help of a lot of engineers the Sullivans enabled the European Space Agency ESA to built reliable spacecrafts. But that wasn't their only task. They helped to built the first nearly self-sufficent dome which consisted out of four parts: a hub with living room for the crew; the biodome which holds vegetables and plants including fertile soil; the engineering part with the reactor and solar panels and last, but not least the life-support machines.
After a bit of convincing John and Alira moved with the second shuttle to Mars for a few years to support them, remove obstacles and made sure the station was running and fully operational. Which pleased the Grey Empress and she gifted John a small island in the Bermuda Triangle, only two kilometers in diameter. It was mostly consistend of volcanic stone, but that was no problem.
He called her "Alira" as well and over a short period of time he outfitted the island with a fusion reactor, a self-sufficent greenhouse, automated system, a small modular factory and a large house for himself and Alira. The American politicians weren't very pleased and tried to attack him, they considered it an act of aggression prior to their territory.
Needless to say that John wasn't very pleased and after a short fight he outfitted the island with energy-based turrets and cannons. He started a process to research energy shields similar to the one he and Alira could generate, but that took time. It got delayed a bit further as Valeria wasn't amused about the british people being nosey and not helpful and the Americans because of their act-up. She reached out and a few years later the United States were integrated into the Valerian Empire, strenghtened humanity as a whole.
John was doing what he could best: solving problems, loving Alira. He reinforced the island and attached large engines to it. He solved the energy-shield problem and declared that he would stand by Valeria and her empire with the full force of his island. The rest of the world surrendered.
And now John is besides Valeria one of the two figures who are the pride of humanity and the first to respond to new large-scale situations like the Saturn Incident. Alira was made Ambassador and outfitted with political strength.
And here we are.


Alira Børsheim

wife (Vital)

Towards John Roland René Sullivan



John Roland René Sullivan

husband (Vital)

Towards Alira Børsheim



John Roland René Sullivan

partner (Important)

Towards Valeria Chersviç



Valeria Chersviç

partner (Important)

Towards John Roland René Sullivan




  • height: 187cm
  • weight: 97kg
  • lifetime: now undying
  • Two legs
  • two arms
  • one brain
  • five fingers per hand
  • five toes per foot
  • five toes
  • reinforced skeleton
  • enhanced nervous system
  • Bio-Based Processing Unit

Character Portrait image: John Roland René Sullivan by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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