Regione Florum

Alternative Names: Region of flowers. Flower country. Whine country.

A land plagued by a twenty year long civil war that has recently had a three year long ceasefire. Five regions fighting amongst themselves, to the north the cold mountains and it's people within. In the south the forest and it'd wild nature. And in between the two laid a court of luxury and wealth. To the west the last keep of the free army still standing strong, lastly south of the keep a massive melting pot of culture and colour by the sea.

At the end of the war, when the four regions all turned against the old king of roses, driven by desperation and despair he plunged his own court into darkness not to be seen since. A new rule came forth, a counsel made by the leaders of the land, Lord General de Edelweiss, Lady de Chrysanthemum, Lady de Magnolia and Lord Regens de Regione Florum. Even tough there are whispers from the, unofficial, new capital that the war is not truly over the country has opened its borders and for the first time in a long time is going back to its former glory, and seeming to thrive under its new rule.

Interactive map:

Regione Florum

More on Regione Florum:

Civitas Venenata Wisteria
Settlement | Sep 8, 2022

Timeline: Civil war of flowers

Work in progress...

Cities of Regione Florum

  • Chrysanthemum Mons (Chrysanthemum Mountain)
  • Edelwiss Custodiunt (Edelwiss Keep)
  • Rosae Atrio (Rose Court)
  • Magnolia Arbores (Magnolia Trees)
  • Civitas Venenata Wisteria (City of poisonous Wisteria)


Lord Regens de Regione Florum Regional Venenata Wisteria de Bastardis Royal.

Lord General de uno armé de Regional Edelwiss.

Lady Oraculum de Regional Magnolia.

Lady dominus artifex de Regional Chrysanthemum