The Warden's Keep

Nestled between steep hills, thick forests and farmlands lies The Warden Isles official capital. The capital is quite young and built around the original warden’s keep, from where the country is ruled. The Warden’s Keep is a spacial case because many see the whole island as its capital and not only the city itself.


The Wardens Keep and The Warden Isles is ruled by a council called The High Wardens made up of members from the tree remaining islands of The Warden Isles. With twelve members, tree seats for each island. Recently the council have seen a rare switch in the seats of elves, welcoming the youngest elf to ever take a seat on the council and a night elf none the less.


Theres not many official districts for being a capital the city itself is small in size, if you only count the official city, but with a steady growing population. The noble district housing many of the council members and their families, and some city houses for other noble families living on the other islands, is situated around the original keep in the middle of the capital.

The other four unofficial districts has formed as the city was built and expanded separating elves, dwarfs and humans into tree separate districts. Between the elven district and the dwarwen distrikt a more mixed part of town has developed, with a busteling shopping streat. Cramped and tucked away behind the fighters guild it is said that the shadier parts of society lie. In recent years the city has seen a influx of other races moving and taking up residency in all parts of the city but the tree main races seemingly still staying in ”their part of town”.

Outside the city on the northern side a bigger farming community has developed, supplying the capital island with food. To the northeast, northwest and southwest each faction has its own docks mainly for transport to the other islands but these smaller settlements is still largely counted as part of the main capital.


The Warden’s Keep was once just that, a keep situated on a smaller island between three larger islands. Built by the original tree wardens that first discovered and formed the country, its purpose, to unite and keep its nation together. Because of its convenient location of neutral ground the keep soon evolved in to a meeting place for the leaders of the lands. And so the city grew around it but never really letting go of old values and superstition, resulting in factions starting to form within the city itself. Tension ran high, and with the last remaining founder of The Warden Isles passing it came to a breaking point. To unite the people The Warden’s Keep was named the official capital of The Warden Isles and a council with members from all factions was put in place of the original wardens.


Founding Date
1435 AD

The Warden Isles





The Warden Isles
Generic article | Apr 27, 2024

A small country made up of five islands, The isle of man, the isle of elves, the isle of dwarfs, the wardens keep and the ruins of the wardens cage.