The Warden Isles

A small country made up of five islands, The isle of man, the isle of elves, the isle of dwarfs, the wardens keep and the ruins of the wardens cage. The country itself is located on the southern coast northwest of Regione florum and southwest of Nordfrost. Being the smallest of its neighbouring countries its often left alone and to its own devices.


The islands that make up The Warden Isles was first discovered in 1287 AD by The Original Wardens that claimed it as their land and settled there. They split the island between them and soon more of their own kind started settling on their island creating The Isle of Man, The Isle of Elves and The Isle of Dwarfs. The separation of the different island made communication difficult so The Warden’s Keep was built to unite the country and its funders. Still in larger parts of the country the factions where divided but as long as The Original Wardens lived they keep the country together and it prospered. But after only 147 years in 1434 the last member of the founders past away suddenly and the young country seamed to be standing on the brink of civil war. But The Old Wardens had taken precautions and so The Warden’s Keep was named the official capital of The Warden Isles and a council with members from all factions was put in place of the original wardens. After sixty-five years there are still some predacious and suspicion remaining between the factions, some even go as far to say that the rest of the world looks down on The Warden Isles for their outdated views.


The Wardens Keep and The Warden Isles is ruled by a council called The High Wardens made up of members from the four islands of The Warden Isles. With twelve members, tree seats for each island. Recently the council have seen a rare switch in the seats of elves since its forming sixty-five years ago, welcoming the youngest elf to ever take a seat on the council and a night elf none the less.

The warden isle's five islands:

The Warden's Keep

The capital is built around the original warden’s keep, from where the council rules. Many see the whole island as its capital and not only the city itself. Theres not many official districts in the capital except for the noble district and the shopping street. The other four unofficial districts has formed as the city was built and expanded. And in recent years the city has seen a influx of other races moving and taking up residency in all parts of the Capital.

The Isle of Man

Torsvik is the main city of The Isle of Man even tho the island has the most villages and settlements out of all the island. The island is by far the most geological diverse with flat farmlands, hills and mountains, lush forests and marshy swamplands.

The Isle of Elves

The island itself has the most wilderness and is the least discovered of all the island, especially on the western side of the island, with only tree settlements to the east. Two smaller cities and one small crossroad town on the northeast side of the island. The main city of The Isle of Elves is Virlen Harbour one of the most magical advanced cities in all of The Warden Isles. But the town itself is by far the smallest of all the main cities of The Warden Isles. Most of the bigger elf families has their farms and estates along the road between An-lar valley and Virlen Harbour. But Virlen Harbour is home to Fear Collage so the ones living in the city proper is mostly academics, merchants and farmers working for three of the biggest elven families i The Warden Isles.

The Isle of Dwarfs

Gwinleen's Halls is located deep within in the mountains of The Isle of Dwarfs, its by far the hardest city to get to if you are not used to the harsh climate of the island. The large mountain chain is largely uncharted territory except for the mines around Gwinleen's Halls.

The ruins of the warden’s cage

Is not the official name of the countries most southern island but the island was never actually named. But the old prison that now lies in ruins where named The Warden’s Cage so the people has come to call the island by what was once on it.

The warden isle five islands:

The Warden's Keep

The Isle Of Man

The Isle Of Elves

The Isle Of Dwarfs

The Ruins Of The Warden's Cage
