Welcome to Hyacintho Luna

The world and starting area

Hyacintho is named after the smaller of its two moons, a bright blue moon in the night sky invisible against the blue sky during the day. Lilium, the bigger of the two moons, is like our own but bigger and can be seen during the day when the sky allows it. We start our journey at the warden isles, more specifically the city named The Warden's Keep. A rise in monsters hunting the lands has increased creating a general fear and people are crowding in to the cities. But with large parts of the world still undiscovered, lords, politicians and guilds are racing to be the first to claim lands and the recurses there.


Type of game and fokus

This is a heavy roleplaying game, where choices you make will have a grater impact on what happens in the world. More than once or twice you will be dealing whit high society and politics so calling this a high political game might not be wrong.

In the start some of the stronger fokus is as follows;

  • Race Relations: In this world plagued by monsters the races of humanoids has always disputed which race is superior and should lead their respekted lands. Some still think that the races shouldn't mix with each other and tradition should not be questioned. But sometimes traditions change, if somebody is brave enough to start change.
  • Government Presence: In some places of the world a drastic change in power is happening. This is influencing the rest of the world to change or in some places hold a stronger grip on their traditions and values. A land plagued by a twenty year long civil war between five regions has in the last two years experienced a fragile peacefulness. Where instead of the aristocracy regaining their power, the revolutionaries now lead some regions of their country. Their appearing success and general misery sparking ideas and whispers of similar rebellions in the streets of neighbouring countries.
  • Class Relations: The rift between the nobility and common folk is growing ever larger. Some are trying to change this but by which means? And is it really changing anything or is it just the same storys of old.
  • Religious Influence: Have the gods abandoned us? Or are they real? Watching over us in their own way. Should we trust the word of the chosen few or go out in the world and discover our own truth and history? Questions as these has surfaced. No one knows who is behind it but churches are getting vandalised, losing followers and founding because of the message that is spreading.

Starting information:

  • Starting lvl: 3
  • Advancement Type: Milestone
  • Homebrew and other content: Check with DM


  • Discord
  • Dndbeyond
  • Tabletop simulator