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Fusion Degeneration

Early in the demonic experimentation with hydrids, they attempted to simply fuse piece of demonic and elven bodies rather than impregnate elves. This resulted in semi-stable constructs. However, the decayed very quickly and were difficult to control. While a whole being, without any evidence of being made from differently sourced parts, the parts themselves always remembered that they were not one being, nor even from the same species, and rejected one another. The magic that held them together was constantly being used for repair and could not be utilized by the constructed creature itself for battle.    This constant self repair led to a rapid burn out of magic and no stores left to work at regeneration. The amount of food necessary to keep the construct functional was also excessive.    In order to find another solution, demons looked at whether it was possible to breed directly with elves, which led to the creation of modern hybrids.

Transmission & Vectors

The disease is transmitted through the magical fusion of disparate body parts that are completely incompatible with one another and thus refuse to function as a single unit.


Incompatibility with the materials used in hybrid construction cause the pieces to reject one another and the construct must use constant magic to keep itself together. This leads to a break down of tissue as more and more magical stores are depleted.


Each construct only lasted for a maxiumum of one month, barely any time to train it, and the degeneration would begin within a week. Once it began, the hybrid would grow physically weaker until they were unable to move. Their skin would begin to fall off and their muscles would detach from their bones. Right before death, they would be blind, deaf, and completely unable to move.


All who showed symptoms of the degeneration died. There is no cure.
Chronic, Congenital
Affected Species


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