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Hybrids Overview

During the angel-demon war, demons promised elven clans that they would offer them protection from the angel aggressors in exchange for breeding stock. These elves were given over and their genetic material combined with demons in order to produce hybrids. Once they reached seventy percent of their maturity, the hybrids were used as cannon fodder for the demonic army. They were split into varying groups during their training and these groups were then used to determine what unit the hybrid would be part of once they were to be used in battle.   After the war was finished, the demons removed the hybrids from their society via the Dismissal and Cessation of Duty Proclamation. Many hybrids tried to find a new life for themselves in either Saltown or among the clan with whom they shared ancestry, with varying degrees of success. Often, they were blamed for their part in the demonic victory despite having known no other way of life. Integration was dificult for many.   Two centuries after the Proclamation, also known among the hybrids as the 'Boot Bill', hybrids and their elven clans revolted against demonic rule under the banner of the Lethier clan and it's leader, a hybrid who had fought in the war, Daervulen Bahrlethier  The hybrids now sit at the top of society with their hierarchy among themselves determined by their representative's placement in the tournament style battle among hybrid leaders after the war.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

While hybrids were originally thought to be a sterile species due to their method of creation, the centuries since the Proclamation, and their integration into normal society, have proven this incorrect. They have difficulty reproducing with 'pure' species, but are easily able to reproduce among themselves.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hybrids mature at an accelerated rate compared to both of their parent species, reaching physical adulthood at the age of 30 rather than 60-80. However, once they reach this state, their aging slows damatically and they live, on average, as long as elves.
Demonic, Elven
Related Ethnicities


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