Calendar and Holidays
One calendar year is 364 days. It is divided into four 90-day months combined with two solstices and two equinoxes. The four months essentially encompass the four seasons of the year.
New Year: The first equinox and the start of a new calendar year.
Rebirth: The first month. Days start getting warmer. Days start to get longer. Plants begin budding and growing again. Akin to spring.
Day of the Golden Goddesses: The first solstice and the longest day of the year. It is a day typically set aside to worship the Golden Goddesses.
Growing: The second month. Days are long and warm. Crops are grown. Akin to summer.
Day of Rest: The second equinox. It is typically a day intended for people to take off and not work, as the yearly toil of harvest begins the next day.
Harvest: The third month. Days start getting shorter and cooler. Leaves begin changing colors and falling. Crops are gathered for the winter. Akin to autumn.
Remembrance Day: The second solstice. It is the shortest day of the year. It is typically viewed as a day to remember those who have died.
Grave: The fourth month. Days are short and cold. Non-coniferous plants don't grow. Akin to winter.
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