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Deku Baba

Deku Babas are a species of large, intelligent, carnivorous flytrap-like plants. Although they are plants, they display signs of sentience and behave more like animals than plants.   Deku baba's have a shallow root structure, and a leafy base. The "head" and maw of the deku baba spends most of it's time coiled up inside it's base. It will stay that way, conserving energy, until potential prey approaches it.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Deku babas maws are lined with teeth-like thorns, which when clamped down can tear flesh and prevent escape. Additionally, glands inside the maw secret digestive fluids when it is holding prey.

Growth Rate & Stages

Deku babas grow at an alarming rate. A deku baba can fully grow from a seen in less than a day.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Deku Baba produce energy via normal photosynthesis, but consume animals in order to obtain most of its nutrients.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Deku babas stems stiffen upon its death, and are known to make excellent kindling for fires or makeshift torches. Additionally, deku babas have been used by some cultures as watch-dogs or theft-deterrents, by planting them at sites that would be potential targets for robbers.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Deku Babas have the ability to sense nearby prey, although it is not fully understood how.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Deku baba have been known to grow near other carnivorous plants. It is unclear what benefits this provides either plant.
Average Height
6 ft.

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