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Zolas are a race of fish-like humanoids found in nearly all waters across the world, including rivers, lakes, and seas. They are typically savage and hostile to the civilized races - robbing, killing, or kidnapping them to be used as slaves.   In ages past, Zolas were called "River Zoras." However, the Zora populations did not wish to be mistaken for their savage cousins - especially if a Zora was in a river. The Zora Royal Court petitioned to change the name of River Zoras to "Zola," as the Zora Royal Court felt the River Zora were not honoring the "Zora" name, and thus should lose the right to it.

Basic Information


They typically have scales on their posterior sides, and have a smooth fleshy anterior side. They also have fins and webbing on various parts of their body. Some Zolas are born with a fish-like tail below their hips instead of legs.

Biological Traits

Like their Zora cousins, Zolas are amphibious, being able to breath both air and water. Unlike their Zora cousins, Zolas are also able expectorate fire from their mouths.

Ecology and Habitats

Zolas live and thrive in water (fresh or salt). They can survive on land for short periods.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Zolas are carnivores. They typically catch and eat fish in found in the waters they inhabit, but can eat any meat, including any kind of land animal or humanoid.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Zolas communicate using an altered form of the Zora language.
Zolas are distant cousins to Zoras.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Zola scales are typically bluish green, with their anterior sides being light tan. Their fins and webbing are typically a pastel red color.
Scale compared to an average human

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