
The Forester is not only someone who overlooks the work of woodcutting. He also manages hunting, gathering and picking, and as he is hired by the landowner of the forest he works in, also serves as a constabulary or sheriff, watching for poachers and other threats to the rightful claims of the owner.   As such the Forester delivers to a lot of other businesses, as he gathers wood, game, forest fruits and berries, mushrooms, and what have you.



The Forester should be a stout man, able to hunt and catch poachers and other criminals in the forest. Also, he needs some specialized knowledge about the forest and all its trees, plants, fungi, animals and other sources of raw material. He is well paid for his work, as he is a skilled and independent worker.

Career Progression

Coming from some sort of initial education, rather through a tutor in practice than an education from books, the forester usually begins as a mere gatherer, hunter or woodcutter. When the man has proven his worth, and a position is available, he may rise to the station of Forester.   From Forester, one might prove such worth that a position of full sheriff or even knight may be in the future. Or one might have a grateful landlord even hand him his own share of land. But as most landlords are greedy and stingy, this would usually come with a cost.

Payment & Reimbursement

The average Forester makes 50 GP a month. He may increase this amount by selling some small trinkets away from the by and large production of the forest, obviously going straight toward the landowner. Or by catching some criminal that has a reward on his head.

Other Benefits

Being an official and also the policing force in a relatively large area, means the Forester has a certain renown and standing. He may not belong to the wealthy and be welcome to their parties, but the regular citizens clearly wants to keep him a friend, and if he is a good and friendly person, he may even be loved by those who work in and around the forest.



Oversees all work and activity in the forests and fields of the landowner, and is the acting arm of the law there.

Social Status

Middle caste. There is some status involved with this profession.



One melee and one ranged weapon. Some simple kind of armor, usually leather. Manacles, signal whistle, official emblem of the lord indicating function.


The woods and fields of the estate that hired him.

Provided Services

Foresters are so well attuned to their local area, and have such an advanced knowledge of the area, that they can serve very well as a guide.

Dangers & Hazards

Being the policing force against poachers and robbers means that their is a certain amount of risk involved in this profession. Someone desperate enough may feel that killing the Forester is a smart way to gain access to whatever wealth the forest offers.
The Forester was important for a range of different uses.
Products include:
  • Fruits, nuts and berries
  • Tree trunks
  • Game animals
  • Reeds, twigs and vines
  • Herbs and spices
  • Mushrooms and fungi
Alternative Names
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry
Present all over, but every stretch of land only needs one.
Other Associated professions
Ranks & Titles


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