Mount Celestia

The infinite outer plane of Mount Celestia, aka the Seven Heavens, is the creation of ultimate lawful good. It is the dwelling of gods, angels, archons and like creatures, and the place that lawful good souls go to when their lives on the Prime Material have ended.
  The plane is shaped into seven layers, together forming an infinite mountain (hence the name), standing in an infinite sea of holy water. Each layer connects to the next by an entry at the bottom and an exit at the top, making it necessary to climb the mountain (or range of mountains) of each layer to reach the next. Each layer has its own hue of sky, softly illuminating everything under it.
  Lunia The bottom layer of Mount Celestia, also known as the Silver Heaven, has a nighttime sky with countless stars illuminating the layer with a soft silver shine. It is surrounded by the Silver Sea, an endless ocean of Holy Water. It is inhabited by Sea Elves and Celestial Whales. The mountain in this layer is decorated with beautiful white stone citadels. This layer is inhabited by Tyr.
  Mercuria The second layer of Mount Celestia is also known as the Golden Heaven, due to the golden light shining from its sky and covering all with a warm glow. It is comprised of lush green fields and hills, dottet with small settlements that house, among others, Archons. Mercuria is the place where the souls of the noblest warriors end up, and is also used as a marshaling ground for the Heavenly armies.
  Venya The third layer of Mount Celestia, also known as the Pearly Heaven, or Heaven of Pearls, looks like fertile farmland covered in the glow of a pearlescent sky. It is the heaven for the Halflings, where there crops are always plentiful, and there are no large predators to threaten them.
  Solania The fourth layer of Mount Celestia, also known as the Electrum or Crystal Heaven, has a sky that resembles burnished silver. Its valleys and fields are covered in mists and amazing scents. Its peaks are home to vast amounts of shrines, monasteries and cathedrals controlled by demigods. The rocks are full of precious metals and ores mined by the dwarves' souls that find their home here. It is rumoured that high up in the peaks of this heaven are the fiercely sought answers to life's questions. The slopes of Solania house a vast dwarven mansion, known as Erackinor, where Moradin makes his home.
  Mertion The fifth layer of Mount Celestia has a similar sky to Solania, but consists of vast planes, lacking the usual mountain(s) of other layers. It is also known as the Platinum Heaven, and is littered with majestic citadels and soaring spherical domes reaching for the sky and providing access to the next layer. The plains are used as a mustering ground for paladins and other lawful good servants of the gods. On this plane can be found the city of Empyrea, or the City of Tempered Souls, famous for its many magical fountains with healing properties and its many hospitals and expert healers.
  Jovar Known as the Glittering Heaven or Heaven of Gems, the sixth layer of Mount Celestia is actually a vault lined with red gems that give off a glow much like fire. It is covered in hills so rich in gems that they litter the hills like pebbles, glittering in the light. An endless Ziggurat, home to Jovarian Archons, provides access to the seventh and final layer. It is named Yesteria, the Heavenly City. It is built up completely out of gemstones, floors, walls, ceilings and also the enormous staircases on its outside leading to the next layer of the ziggurat. The seventh layer or terrace connects to the bridge of al-Sihal, made from pure light and supporting the portal Chronias, guarded by a powerful Solar named Xerona, who decides on who can enter the top layer.
  Chronias "The Illuminated Heaven." Nothing is known about the structure of the seventh layer, because the few that entered it and managed to return remember nothing and have nothing recorded. Anyone that enters here has all neutrality and evil burned from him, leaving them inherently good if they manage to survive. It is rumoured that all inhabitants of Mount Celestia aim to climb all the way to this top layer, where their soul will become one with the essence of this plane.
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