Visiting Mount Celestia

General Summary

When the Partizans, short only Razyle return to Bahamin he has made preparations for opening a portal to Mount Celestia. He makes some intricate and grand gestures, speaks some difficult incantations in draconic and bright streaks of weave pull together from all corners of the room and out of sunbeams streaking through the windows of the temple to converge in front of him. At first a small ball of crackling energy forms in front of his palms, swirling with his motions. As more strands of energy converge, ever quicker and ever longer, the ball of energy steadily grows and starts flashing more and more frequent with a feeling of instability. When the ball has grown to about mansize, Bahamin spreads his arms, palms open, and a bright flash issues from the center. As soon as everyone opens their eyes again, having closed them in reflex, they see a golden stairway starting at Bahamin's feet and reaching up into the heavens, seemingly endless.  

Climbing the stairway to Heaven

  Bahamin turns to the Partizans and tells them to follow him up the stairs. He then steps forward and starts climbing the stairs. One by one the Partizans follow his example. Immediately upon stepping on the first step the world falls away and the travelers see the city of Neverwinter dropping below at a steady pace. As if the stairs are accelerating themselves, the ascending goes ever quicker and soon the world is no longer visible, having disappeared behind some cloud cover. A moment later a building comes into view at the top of the stairway. Shining blindingly brightly, as if it catches the sunlight and reflects its beams in every direction, the building quickly proves to be an enormous castle. Coming nearer the size proves to be even bigger than at first thought, for the front gates are a hundred meters high. The walls shine with a silvery white sheen, and soon it becomes clear that they are made from pure Platinum . Coming nearer the palace, the huge front gate looming ever higher over everyone's head, the speed gradually decreases again and at the last moment the huge brass gates silently open up without a single creak, and Bahamin proceeds to lead everyone inside.  

Bahamut's Castle

The entry hall is impossibly large. The cathedral of Hextor would fit snuggly inside it. The floor which is equally shiny as the outside walls, has a more blueish sheen. Closer examination proves it to be Mitril. Looking to the walls, they seem a little warmer on the inside, than they did on the whitish outside. A beautiful mosaic of white and brown depicting dragon lore in enormous artworks. Looking closer these mosaics are made with ivory and copper. Light enters through huge windows, resembling the stained glass found in churches and cathedrals. Just like as is found on earth, the beautiful and colorful patterns turn the beams of light shining through into mesmerizing streaks of enchantment. Looking closely however, this is no normal stained glass. The windows in this castle are made up from gems laid in silver and gold instead of lead. Each corner of the entrance sports a shimmering portal, the view into them being stormy and roiling, like looking straight into a hurricane or tornado. The portals are each guarded by a bear-like creature standing easily as tall as a fully grown polar bear, all of them dressed in plate armor, with divine sigils and symbols.   Looking back outside the palace, the stairway has disappeared again and now you look out on vast sweeping planes, dotted here and there with smooth black domes reaching high up in the sky, each of them the size of a mountain. The sky above has a silvery color and is incredibly bright. Flying around the palace hanging suspended in the silver sky, are seven golden dragons, swooping and tumbling and seemingly portraying great mirth and joy.   Bahamin tells the Partizans he needs to go have an important meeting with the rulers of the heavens. He asks the group to stay here in the castle, have a look around if they want. They will shortly be joined by Gruemar the Voice who will keep them company for the time it takes Bahamin to complete his meeting. At this point he excuses himself and walks off deeper into the castle and disappears into the next hall.   The party, mesmerized by the breathtaking view are taking in all the wonders of the place. At some point a silvery blue dragon, noticeably larger than the golden ones, flies towards a great city out on the planes, drawing two of the golden dragons along on either side of him. The remaining five dragons now turn toward the castle and one by one they enter through the still open gates. One after another the huge golden dragons land in the entry hall, greet and welcome the Partizans with deep rumbling dragon voices, and then move off into the castle to find a place to sit proudly upright or coil up in a comfortable resting position. As the last of them enters and greets the group he introduces himself as Gruemar the Voice.  

A Tour of the Seven Heavens

  Gruemar explains he has been tasked with being a tour guide to the Partizans. He proceeds to mention they are presently on the fifth layer of the seven heavens, known as Mertion. But they will start at the beginning, the foot of the mountain if you will. As he says so, the castle begins dropping and the outside view changes. Soon the light fades and in its place a night sky blankets everything in shade and rest.  


This is Lunia the bottom layer of Mount Celestia. It is also known as the Silver Heaven. At the foot of this mountain you see the Silver Sea, an endless ocean that houses Sea Elves and Celestial Whales. This sea is the entrance of the Seven Heavens as it connects to the Astral Plane. Close to the shores you also find big stone blocks each of a different color and pattern, that connect to other planes. The beautiful white citadels you see on the mountain are the home of the inhabitants of this layer, most of them Lammasu. This layer is ruled by Barachiel, a Tome Archon. It is also the realm of the god of Justice, Tyr. And you, Yorratra, might be interested to know that the moon goddess likes to visit here too, using one of the permanent portals straight from her own home.
— Gruemar the Voice
Lunia is perpetually covered by a night sky. But since the sky is so full of brightly sparkling stars, that their light is more than enough to see the scenery clearly, even without darkvision. The light sparkles happily over the soft surf of the Silver Sea and casts a pleasant white glow over the many citadels, each of them completely different from the others in architecture, style and construction. Yorratra Yorratra Melith Ithil pleads with Gruemar to be allowed to walk this land for a while, and is granted this request. They are let down in the shallows near the shore. The fresh sparkling waters feeling pleasant to the feet. The surf is lapping the shores with a musical tingling as of wind chimes, while the atmosphere is that of a warm and pleasant summer night. Yorratra says a prayer to the moon goddess and is bathed for a moment in the bright welcoming glow of the moon that appears from behind some light clouds. Just before the time comes to move on again, everyone who wants so can fill his canteens with the fresh water of the Silvery Sea which is composed entirely of Holy Water. Back in the platinum castle, the group ascends to the next level.


This is Mercuria, also known as the Golden Heaven. It is the realm of the noblest and bravest warriors and the mustering ground for the armies of heaven. The light-headedness you are experiencing is due to the thin air on this plane and will pass shortly. This realm is inhabited mostly by Archon and Gold Dragons, not counting the many warriors that come and go all the time. Deities that call this layer home, are the god of duty and loyalty Torm in Trueheart, the god of fire Girru in Undying Flame, and the sun goddess Amaterasu in Radiant Light.
— Gruemar the Voice
  The reason for the name of this layer is not hard to understand, as the sky is showing a bright golden glow emitting from the clouds, covering the lush green fields and rushing rivers in a warm glow. The endless mountain ranges on this plane are young and pointy, with deep ravines and crystal clear mountain lakes. All over are impressive mausoleums and tombs that honor the remains of great warriors and serve as a reminder to all to show bravery and duty in the face if threats and danger. The combination of the thin air, the glorious golden glow and the atmosphere of honor that hangs over this plane, fills everyone watching with elation and a feeling of invincibility and achievement. Then the ascend proceeds and yet another layer comes into view.  


This is Venya, also known as the Pearly Heaven. The green fields and lush forests of this layer are the home of Halflings, who have built all those farming villages and mills you see. They are accompanied by their creator Yondalla, their war god Arvoreen, and their goddess of trust, friendship and hospitality Cyrrollalee.
— Gruemar the Voice
Again the source of the name of this layer is not hard to figure out, as the sky has a clear pearlescent quality to it. This layer is a little colder than the previous two, and some of the mountains are snow capped. The rivers however have water of a pleasant warmth, and even in wintertime they only partially freeze over. The fertile soil gives off plentiful crops and the lush forests are free from dangerous predators. The entire layer simply gives off a feel of pleasant, quiet easy rural life. It is left behind however, as the castle ascends to the next level again.  


This is Solania, also known as the Electrum Heaven. The misty valleys you see are full of strange scents and the slopes of the towering mountains where you see the entrances of many mines, are the home of dwarves that mine the copious amounts of ores and gems that litter this plane, and have led to the other name, the Crystal Heaven. They are naturally joined by their All-Father Moradin who resides in the vast underground halls of Erackinor. It is ruled however by the Tome Archon Pistis Sophia, from the peaks of the mountains that are littered with shrines, monasteries and cathedrals, the foremost of which, on a high plateau above the clouds, is the First Monastery of the Planes-Militant, the source of power for all paladins. Many pilgrims climb the dazzling heights of this plane in search of answers to life's greatest questions. Invisible to the eye, Solania is also the location of Uroboros, the home of Jazirian, the Coatl deity. Travelers of the Seven Heavens need to display faith and trust to find this realm if they seek access to the next layer, Mertion.
— Gruemar the Voice
    Not surprisingly the sky over this layer has a glow of burnished silver to it. The valleys and fields are indeed full of mist and fog, which only clears as one reaches higher up to the mountain slopes, where one can almost see the sparkle of gems on the very surface of the ground. climbing ever higher, the rich slopes of the mountain of this layer, covered in buildings of service, contemplation, prayer and meditation, climb all the way into the sky until they are out of sight. One cannot resist feeling the urge to climb the paths meandering up these impressive slopes and find what lays beyond. But it is time to move on and the ascend continues, returning us to Mertion.  


As I said at the beginning, this is the layer known as Mertion, also known as the Platinum Heaven. It is also the end of our trip, for the sixth and seventh layer are not to be reached by this castle, but only by rightful ascending of the worthy and faithful, through the normal paths of climbing layer after layer. As you can see, the skies on this layer resemble those of Solania, the only difference being a slight change in hue. The view of the plane itself however is clearly different from all the lower ones, as you must have noticed the absence of a mountain. These endless plains are the mustering fields of paladins, and other law abiding devout fighters. The plains and savannas do give way to lakes and settlements however, the most important being Empyrea, the home of healing and healers. The fountains in this city all have magical healing properties. And anyone afflicted in some kind merely has to find the right fountain the be healed from what ails him. The Tome Archon ruling this layer is Raziel the Crusader, not to be confused with the evil and horrible Zariel . You, Randy must know this name, for Raziel is the patron of paladins.
The sixth layer, which we will not see is known as Jovar or the Glittering Heaven. I myself have never seen this layer either, but I hear its hills are glittering with the numerous gems in them. Hence the name. This layer serves as the fault of all heavenly riches and houses a huge seven layered ziggurat known as Yesteria which ends in a bridge made from pure light, which connects to the seventh and final layer of Mount Celestia. This bridge is guarded however by Xerona, the Solar that judges who is worthy to enter and who is not.  
The Final layer is called Chronias, The Illuminated Heaven. It is completely the stuff of legends, for anyone going there is more than likely never to return. And in the rare case that one does return they can't name any details of the place. It is said that this layer burns away any aspect that is not good, so that those who do survive, are left purely and incorruptably good. It is the goal of all inhabitants of Mount Celestia however to finally ascend to this level, for it is believed that here their souls will be so overwhelmed by the atmosphere of pure good, that they will become part of the very essence of the Seven Heavens itself and be at everlasting peace.
— Gruemar the Voice
    This is where the tour of the Seven Heavens ends for the Partizans, back at the beginning. At this point Gruemar asks the Scuffling Partizans whether they can make some merry lights shine. Today is a special day to the denizens of the Seven Heavens. It is they day that, following the example of one lawful good human paladin, presents are given to those whose lights shine bright and visible for all to see. All the adventurers happily provide lights, each in his or her own way, and soon an impressive Solar can be spotted flying toward the open gates of the palace. He introduces himself as Mortan, and asks the group if they would sing him a song to lift his spirits.   As the Partizans follow this request as well as the earlier, Scaramouche Fan'dango showing his skill in presenting Mortan with an impressive performance, he pulls forth a bag. Looking at the Partizans one by one with kind eyes, he addresses them:
I have been sent by the heavenly authorities to aid you in your quests. For you all have good hearts and wise conversations and your wishes for your world please the gods. For this reason I was told to share from our infinite riches to suit your needs and pleasures.
— Mortan
After Mortan has presented each and every member of the Partizans, even Razyle who stayed behind in Neverwinter, he excuses himself for being in a hurry, for there are more souls to visit today. He takes his leave with a respectful bow and flies off out the gate again.   Not long after this, Bahamin enters the hall again, coming from deeper within the castle. He says that the meeting was a tough one, but decisions were made and steps will be taken. Bahamin himself will have to go and have another meeting, calling together all the older dragons of the world for a dragon council. But first he will set the Partizans on their way once they have returned to the Prime Material. Before he makes the stairway appear once more, he pulls Randy aside:
I was asked by Helm, ... eh Kord, .. I mean Hextor of course, to assure you he is proud of your service. He greatly appreciates your choice for protection over destruction. He wanted to give you some confidence after the difficulties you had on the Dark Island.
— Bahamin
  Then Bahamin turns back to the group and in a louder voice asks if all are ready to go. The stairway appears and is descended, and soon the Partizans are back in Neverwinter. Here Bahamin also takes his leave and sends them on their way to a roadside inn, where the Black Robes have been spotted last.

Rewards Granted

  • Cli Lyre - Scaramouche
  • Decanter of Endless Brew - Bilbo
  • Moonstone - Yorratra
  • Oathbow - Razyle
  • Shield of the Borkadd Rune - Randy
  • 4 diamonds worth 300 GP
  • 3 pieces of Veldspar

Personal Introductions

Mortan addresses each Partizan before presenting their gifts.  


Bilbo. Both the lady and my lord have been pleased by your kind heart, and your tendency to aid the downtrodden. Even though you have a short fuse, you are quickly calmed down again and are open to discussion and differences in opinion. You have some special preferences and hobbies, and both your necklace and Becca have already been granted to you to portray the connection you have with the wild and in particular wolves. Another favorite pastime of yours has not been addressed however, which is why I'd like to present you with this. (Gives decanter of brew) Be careful with it, for it can spew its contents quite enthusiastically. You had better practice with it for a while.
— Mortan


Yorratra Melith Ithil. Moontouched you are and Lunia must have already pleased you a great deal. You have been involved in a lot of important missions in your years and have again found yourself in one, you probably did not fully expect when you stepped through the portal between paralel worlds. Remember that all you do here or there reverberates through the planes. It is truly good to see you have lent your aid to these adventurers. First off I'd like to give you some wealth from Jovar, the glittering heaven, which you may use in coming times of trouble and difficulty. (Gives a pouch of crystals, 3 pieces of Feldspar [reddish brown to pink crystals], 2 diamonds of 300 GP worth [pill size]) Furthermore, from the Lunar Lady comes this blessing.[Moonstone]
— Mortan


Randy. You have had some hard times to deal with. The issues with the army, your home away from home, dealings with the children of the Spider Queen, the fall of your church and the many faces of your communes. The Watcher however is pleased to see how you keep prevailing after each great battle and strife, struggling and emerging again and again, and never tiring of protecting the weak and defending your code of conduct. You too I will hand these gifts from the Glittering Heaven. (Hands over another pouch containing 2 Platinum rings with a dragon image on it and another 2 pill sized diamonds.) Furthermore the Watcher wants you to have this to remain strong in protecting yourself and others.
— Mortan


Scaramouche Fandango. You have served many people in a great many ways in the course of your advanced years. Adding a visit to the Seven Heavens must make its own reward for one such as you, seeing as how you may tell the story for many more years to come. After all, we don't want to cover you in wealth and fame until you are no longer capable of being modest do we? Hah Hah, I'm joking. Of course you to must be presented with a gift. After all who else is going to lead the way in songs, stories and praise to honor this day of the gifts of light, and make us all happier and well entertained. For you I have brought this.
— Mortan


Now I am missing one of your number. Where is the one called Razyl? The Half-elven lady with the harsh and miserable youth behind her, fighting daily to make herself anew. She still fights often to separate the good from the bad, the distrust from the trust. But she has taken it upon herself to be honoust to you lot, which you must recognize as a great step of personal growth. Her skill with the bow from some hidden corner or behind some cover is matched by few people, but still she often doubts her worth in your battles. Please present her with this present from the Shining One. It is a famous and ancient elven bow that shoots truer than other bows when it comes to smiting your foes.
— Mortan
Colonia's Hegemony
Bilbo Barbarian
Scaramouche Fan'dango
Yorratra Yorratra Melith Ithil
Randy Jones
Report Date
05 Nov 2021
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